J6 Capitol Police officers booed by PA House GOP during Biden campaign tour

"It’s exactly why we’re out here campaigning for President Biden — because we and so many Americans are deeply concerned that history could repeat itself if Trump is not stopped," the officers said.

Hannah Nightingale Washington DC

Two officers who were at the Capitol on January 6, 2021 were booed by lawmakers in the Pennsylvania House on Wednesday. The officers made the stop at the Pennsylvania State House as part of their tour across the state to talk about insist that a second Trump term poses a threat to democracy.

"All Democrats stood and applauded the officers, while a majority of Republicans either remained seated — while not applauding — began booing or left the floor," said Democrat Majority Caucus Chair Mike Schlossberg, according to NBC News. "I do want to be clear, there were absolutely Republican members who did applaud and stand. But a majority did not."

Former Capitol Police officer Harry Dunn and former US Capitol Police Sgt. Aquilino Gonell were introduced by House Speaker Joanna McClinton Wednesday. The two have been vocal in denouncing the events of January 6 and Trump, who held a rally on that day.

The two said it was "sad though unsurprising" that GOP members of the House "followed his lead in mocking the January 6 attack on the Capitol and embracing political violence."

"It’s exactly why we’re out here campaigning for President Biden — because we and so many Americans are deeply concerned that history could repeat itself if Trump is not stopped," they added.

Republican House Leader Bryan Cutler said he personally "spoke to both of the former officers" Wednesday, adding that Democrats used "their politicized actions in the House chamber to fundraise for their campaign coffers," referring to a fundraising email that was sent later on Wednesday.

Democrats called the display "a shameful show of disrespect for heroes" and "despicable behavior."

Dunn was one of two J6 officers present at a Biden campaign press conference in late May outside the New York City courthouse where, just days later, Trump would be found guilty of 34 counts of falsifying business records.

In late May, the Biden campaign announced that three police officers who were present on January 6 - Gonell, Dunn, and Washington Metropolitan Police Officer Daniel Hodges - would be campaigning in the battleground states of Nevada, Arizona, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan, and New Hampshire, according to NBC News.

The three have been meeting with local elected officials, community members, and law enforcement organizations about the "ongoing threat of political violence" Trump poses if re-elected.

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