New York Times blames 'Pro Israel Money' for Jamaal Bowman's loss then abruptly changes headline

The headline ran after Bowman and far-left allies had devoted much of the campaign to claiming that money from Jews and Jewish lobby groups including the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) were working to defeat him.

Ari Hoffman Seattle WA
The New York Times quickly changed a headline after tremendous blowback that blamed “Pro Israel Money” for Rep. Jamaal Bowman’s dramatic loss in the New York Democratic primary Tuesday night.

The article about the far-left "Squad" member’s failed re-election bid was originally headlined: “Bowman Falls in House Primary, Overtaken by Flood of Pro-Israel Money.” The outlet has long been accused of being antisemitic, having an anti-Israel bias, and was even complicit in underreporting the Holocaust.

The headline ran after Bowman and far-left allies had devoted much of the campaign to claiming that money from Jews and Jewish lobby groups including the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) were working to defeat him.

Bowman previously denied that atrocities were committed by Palestinian terrorists on October 7, and even falsely claimed that reports of rape, sexual assault and babies being beheaded was Israeli “propaganda.” Bowman also refused to condemn the atrocities because he disagreed with calling the terrorist surprise attacks “unprovoked.”

Many of Bowman’s antisemitic Squad colleagues including Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), Ilhan Omar (D-MN), Rashida Tlaib (D-MI), and Cori Bush (D-MO), were quick to criticize AIPAC investing heavily in the race but turned a blind eye to the dozens of far-left lobby groups that poured money into supporting Bowman’s campaign.

According to The Wall Street Journal, the primary race quickly became the most expensive House primary in US history, with more than $25 million spent. 
Many political pundits were also quick to point out that Bowman was facing a 17-point deficit in the polls before AIPAC began investing in the campaign because of the embattled congressman’s unpopularity. Bowman was charged in 2023 for pulling a fire alarm in Congress to delay a vote he opposed.

That did not stop The Grey Lady from running with the antisemitic headline. Following immediate blowback, the paper of record changed the headline to “Bowman Falls to Latimer in a Loss for Progressive Democrats.”

The New York Times was not alone in using antisemitic dog whistles for clickbait. Rolling Stone posted an article about the loss titled, “Progressive Jamaal Bowman Loses Seat After Pro-Israel Lobby Boosted Opponent.” Rolling Stone has not changed the headline.

When the race was called by the Associated Press on Tuesday night, Bowman trailed Westchester County Executive George Latimer 55 to 45 percent.

Bowman did not cope well with the loss and spontaneously began screaming during his concession speech Tuesday night.
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