
BREAKING: Trump ROARS in first speech since Miami arraignment: 'They want to take away my freedom because I will never take away your freedom'

"I'm here and I love you all and we can take it," Trump said.


"I'm here and I love you all and we can take it," Trump said.


President Donald Trump spoke at his golf course at Bedminster, New Jersey on Tuesday following his arraignment at the hands of Biden's Department of Justice in Miami.

Trump still leads the GOP field for the 2024 presidential nomination, and of all his competitors, only Vivek Ramaswamy stood up for him against the weaponized prosecution today. 

Trump pled not guilty to all 37 counts, including "willful retention of national defense information," "withholding or concealing documents in a federal investigation," "false statements," and "conspiracy to obstruct justice." The charges are brought by Biden's DOJ after Biden promised in November to do everything he could to prevent Trump from being president for a second term.

The large crowd at Bedminster awaited Trump with anticipation and cheered his arrival. Trump took in his supporters as Proud to Be an American played. "USA!" The crowd chanted.

"Today we witnessed the most evil and heinous abuse of power in the history of our country," Trump said, calling Biden's "political persecution" something that is only otherwise seen in communist or fascist nations.

As Trump spoke publicly funded PBS slapped a warning on the speech, saying that "Experts wanr that inflammatory rhetoric from elected officials or people in power can prompt individual actors to commit acts of violence." Trump, however, did not say anything violent or incendiary, he spoke about his case and his political opposition. PBS continues to treat Trump and his supporters like petulant children and refuses to acknowledge the legimitate popularity and optimism for America represented by the MAGA movement.

Trump said that Biden and his DOJ are trying to "destroy American democracy," but that "we will win bigger and better."

"Charging a former President of the United States under the Espionage Act of 1917," he said, was not meant for this. The Biden administration is seeking to jail Trump for 400 years for keeping his own documents. Trump said that the Presidential Records Act shows that he "had every right to have these documents." The indictment didn't mention that at all.

Bill Clinton, Trump recalled, kept some 79 audiotapes in his sock drawer. These recordings contained "sensitive facts," details about foreign conflicts, conversations with foreign leaders. When Clinton was sued over the retention of these tapes, Clinton won the case. 

"The decicion to segregate personal meterials from presidential records is made by the President during the presidency, and in the president's sole discretion," Trump said, referencing the case. He also noted that the National Archives does not have authority over what is and is not presidential.

"Whatever documents the president decides to take is his absolute right, this is the law," Trump said. No other president was charged, not even investigated, over keeping records. Trump said that his interest in the documents were that the boxes he took contained many personal belongings. There were also many photographs, and they too were in the boxes.

Trump hadn't had a chance to go through the boxes, he said, and as the Socks decision clearly stated he had discretion, as Clinton did, he didn't feel a rush. The FBI took medical records, his passport, and other documents. They broke into his safe, as well, and found nothing there despite bringing in a professional safe cracker.

He stated further that his own was seached, his documents seized, in opposition ot the Fourth Amendment that protects against unlawful search and seizure.

Biden, he said, and his minions feel that they are above the law. Biden has had classified documents himself, and he wasn't even president when he took these, but a senator and then a vice president. "Biden sent 1,850 boxes to the University of Delaware, and he refuses to give them up and he refuses to let anyone even look at them."

Trump called out Biden and his family for their shady business dealings in China, as revealed by Hunter Biden's laptop from hell, and noted that Biden's boxes were not even in secure locations, but strewn all over the place. These boxes were in various offices and also found in his garage.

"Nothing happens to crooked Joe," Trump said, "have you heard anything about the search for his documents?" Trump asked.

"No, only me." Hillary Clinton, too, kept classified materials in the form of her emails, which came up and was summarily dismissed during her run for president against Trump in 2016. Clinton deleted the emails and tried to destroy hard drives with a hammer rather than turn over the information.

Neither Hillary Clinton nor Biden had the legal authority to declassify anything from their positions. 

The crowd broke into a round of Happy Birthday, and joked that he spent his birthday with his grandchildren after being charged with a crime that could bring a sentence of 400 years. 

The Washington Post and The New York Times, Trump said, has been the beneficiary of illegal leaks from the DOJ and FBI, breaking, Trump said, his attorney-client privilege. Trump called out his prosecutor as a "deranged lunatic" and a "thug," Jack Smith.

"He's a behind the scenes guy, but his record is absolutely atrocious, he's done political hit jobs," Trump said.

"I'm here and I love you all and we can take it," Trump said. Even so, Trump noted that the impact on his family has been a bit intense.

As to Biden's handling of Covid, he called it "psychological warfare" on the American people.

"It's all been a battle of disinformation, one thing after another, and all to protect the radical left misfits. It's also no coincidence that these charges against me came down the very same day evidence revealed Joe Biden took a $5 million bribe," Trump said.

He also praised the people of Miami for their love and support, and said that his supporters who hail from Cuba and Venezuela really know what's at stake. 

As he tracked through what is happening with his case and the weaponization of the DOJ against him, he slammed Biden's energy policy, immigration policy, and the massive crime problems in America's biggest cities, as well as  the double standard of justice being applied.

"When you arrest your leading political opponent we no longer have a democracy," Trump said.

Trump shifted to speaking of what his plans would be for the US were he to earn  a second term. Among the promises is that he would name a special prosecutor to investigate Biden and his family.

"I will totally obliterate the deep state," Trump said. "I know who they are, I know exactly who they are. They want to take away my freedom because I will never take away your freedom. They want to silence me because I will never let them silence you.

"And I'm the only one that cane save this nation because you know they're coming after you, and I just happen to be standing in their way."

And of course, Trump promised to "Make America Great Again."

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