BREAKING: Trump vows to shut down Department of Education in second term

“I will shut down the federal Department of Education and we will move everything back to the states where it belongs."


Former President Donald Trump announced on Saturday that if elected president, he will abolish the federal Department of Education and transfer control of education to the states. 

“I will shut down the federal Department of Education and we will move everything back to the states where it belongs and where they can individualize education and do it with the love for their children,” the presumptive GOP nominee said. 

Trump made this announcement at the Faith & Freedom Coalition’s “Road to Majority” conference in Washington, DC on Saturday afternoon. 

Trump has proposed abolishing the federal Department of Education multiple times during his presidential campaigns, much to the delight of his conservative base. Trump recently explained in an interview with Fox and Friends that his administration would "cut the Department of Education" to have it instead be run locally. He continued by saying that this effort to remove the federal education department would happen "immediately" after being elected. 

Trump told the outlet that he was ready to implement this action in his first administration before COVID-19 impacted the country and became a priority for policy decisions. 

Many conservatives have celebrated the moves towards getting rid of the agency, believing that the federal Department of Education has become a hub for excessive spending with insufficient benefits and a means for the left to impose their political views on students.

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Since the DoE has been using federal funds to implement marxism in our public schools for decades, eliminating them can't happen soon enough.

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