The Prime Minister’s Office received 34 separate briefings about the election interference, beginning in 2018.
"Been following this guy for years and he is the real deal! Canada desperately needs a lot more leaders like him and so does the rest of the world," Jones wrote.
"Stapleton Caldecott would've been appalled by us living in the house he commissioned."
Out of the 28,145 individuals with active warrants for "failed refugee claimants," 410 have been convicted of crimes in Canada.
"The amputation enabled him to live in alignment with his perceived identity."
12 UNRWA staffers were allegedly involved in the October 7 massacre and approximately 10 percent of staffers had ties to Hamas.
"If 23 students all have different pronouns and the teacher gets one wrong, would that be grounds for a complaint?"
Protesters came to Parliament Hill to oppose carbon tax increase.
The Ontarian suggested that forcing a transition to fully male or female would be akin to "conversion therapy."
“First Nations women know where babies come from,”
Data from the report disclosed that between Feb. 2023 and Feb. 2024, the tourist city accommodated nearly 5,000 asylum seekers at the cost of $208 per day for each individual.
Another Parliamentary committee to investigate China spying at national microbiology lab
Amy Eileen Hamm has been prosecuted by her professional body for believing in the binary nature of biological sex and speaking up for women's rights.
The Calgary Unitarian Church is calling the event "DRAG Me to Church: What does TRANSformation mean today?”
Judge Feasby said his decision was based on weighing the “harm” of denying MV euthanasia and the suffering of her parents who could see their daughter die.