Left-wing Rep. Jamaal Bowman accused of multiple instances of plagiarism in dissertation: report

Bowman is accused of summarizing other researchers' work by copying and pasting their text without proper citation or paraphrasing.


Democratic Congressman Jamaal Bowman of New York is facing accusations of plagiarism in his 2019 Ed.D dissertation after an analysis by the Daily Wire revealed that parts of his work were nearly identical to other individuals' writings. 

Bowman's dissertation, titled "Community Schools: The Perceptions and Practices that Foster Broad-Based Collaboration among Leaders within the Community School Ecosystem," was submitted during his time at Manhattanville College. 

The dissertation advocated for the concept of "community schools," inspired by Brazilian Marxist Paulo Freire, which proposes that schools should expand their roles to provide comprehensive government services for all societal members, including adults. An investigation into Bowman's dissertation found multiple instances of plagiarism. One notable example is his discussion on critical race theory, where he allegedly copied passages verbatim from the 2001 book "Critical Race Theory: An Introduction" without using quotations. 

Additionally, Bowman is accused of summarizing other researchers' work by copying and pasting their text without proper citation or paraphrasing. The outlet's analysis highlighted several instances where Bowman failed to paraphrase or properly quote the sources, instead presenting the copied text as his own. 

“On multiple other occasions, Bowman summarizes other research by copying and pasting without quotation marks, instead of paraphrasing the passages to show that he has an independent understanding of the concepts,” the Daily Wire reported.  

Bowman has previously cited his dissertation as a significant influence on his political views. In the past, Bowman claimed, “I identify as an educator, and as a black man in America. But my policies align with those of a socialist, so I guess that makes me a socialist.” 

These allegations of plagiarism raise questions about the authenticity and originality of Bowman's academic work and could have broader implications for his political career. As of now, Bowman has not commented on the allegations made regarding his dissertation.

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Garden variety commie POS. Sadly, MLK plagiarized on his doctoral dissertation as well.

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