Soros-backed Chicago prosecutor won't seek re-election, promised family she would leave after 2 terms

The prosecutor was heavily criticized for originally dropping charges against Jussie Smollett who was later convicted of creating an elaborate "hate crime" hoax.

Cook County State's Attorney Kim Foxx, who received millions in financial support from George Soros, announced Tuesday that she would not seek re-election next year.

When asked by The Chicago Tribune about her reasons for not running for a third term, Foxx said she had promised her family that she would leave office after her second term.

The Chicago area prosecutor has been a magnet for controversy due to her lax enforcement policies, including her handling of the Jussie Smollett case.

The prosecutor was heavily criticized for originally dropping charges against the black and gay actor who created an elaborate "hate crime" hoax in which he claimed two white individuals attacked him in the streets of Chicago while yelling, "This is MAGA country" while tying a rope around his neck and dumping bleach on him.

It was later revealed that Smollett had hired two Nigerian bodybuilders to carry out his plan and a grand jury later indicted the actor on six counts of disorderly conduct relating to making false reports to the Chicago Police Department.

Foxx was elected in 2016 thanks to the $400,000 Soros used to support her candidacy. In 2020, the billionaire supplied $2 million to a committee backing her re-election efforts against three Democratic challengers.

Soros has backed dozens of far-left prosecutor candidates including Larry Krasner in Philadelphia, Kim Gardner in St. Louis, and George Gascón in Los Angeles, that typically support lax enforcement of the law, oppose cash bail, and back initiatives to not charge young offenders.

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