SPLC slashes staff by 25%, union says

"I’m so sorry this is happening to you."


The Southern Poverty Law Center, an IRS designated charity with almost a billion dollars in "reserves," laid off a quarter of its staff. In a scathing rebuke from the SPLC Union that represents staff with the charity, the organization was slammed for the decision, which they say will have "a catastrophic impact" on the work done by the SPLC.

While the union lists immigration justice and the "mission to dismantle white supremacy," the SPLC also has expanded their "hate watch" map to include parents rights groups Christian and religious groups, critics of child sex changes, and others who do not toe the line of progressive ideology. The SPLC's list includes medical organizations Do No Harm, Genspect, Partners for Ethical Care, and the Society for Evidence-Based Gender Medicine, placing them alongside recognized white supremacy organizations including KKK chapters.  

The union worries that with these staff cuts, the efforts of the SPLC to "strengthen intersectional movements and advance human rights through support of educators" will be undermined.

The cuts were announced by the SPLC Union on X, who said that the decision came down from President Margaret Huang. Huang apparently said that "the cuts would allow greater 'focus' on racial justice, but failed to explain how eliminating immigrant justice work and anti-racist education work served that goal," the union said.

Some of those who were let go were union stewards and other officials within that employee rights group. More than 60 people were fired from their positions. "Functionally eliminating the Learning for Justice department leaves educators, students, and caregivers without resources and support in building curricula and orienting classrooms toward justice work," they said.

"I’m so sorry this is happening to you," Human Events Daily's Jack Posobiec said.

"You & your colleagues, both current & former, have caused significant harm & division with your well-funded lies & propaganda. I hope the whole lot of you goes down, & one day in the future people can read about the shameful period of American history you were involved in," The Post Millennial's Andy Ngo said.

Ngo further shared reporting on the amassing by the SPLC of "hundreds of millions in donations by spreading hoaxes about a violent surge in hate crimes attributed to Trump. This same organization employs a staffer who was charged with domestic terrorism in Georgia over a violent RICO case."

"Your entire organization is trash, and America will be better off when it’s forced to lay off every single employee," said The Federalist's Sean Davis.

"On Monday, @splcenter labeled the California Family Council a 'hate group' because they 'back parental notification policies that would require school staff to inform a student’s parent if their student uses a different pronoun or name that does not align with their biological sex.' I leave you to draw your own conclusions about today's news," Will Swaim of the Cal Policy Center said.

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