'The answer for 1984 is 1776': Jack Posobiec and special guest Alex Jones speak out against globalism, left-wing tyranny at Turning Point Action convention in Detroit

“We want a pro-human future under God,” Jones expressed. “We are not going to submit to this anymore.”


At Turning Point Action’s The People’s Convention in Detroit, Michigan, Jack Posobiec and Infowars host Alex Jones delivered impassioned speeches characterizing the current conflict in the US as a "spiritual war” and determined that the answer to left-wing authoritarianism is a return to traditional American freedom.

Posobiec asserted that the ongoing struggle is about defending freedoms, citing figures like Steve Bannon, Peter Navarro, and Donald Trump, who are being unfairly targeted by the left-wing establishment. "They want to lock up [Trump] for 700 years," Posobiec declared.

Posobiec introduced Jones by invoking the phrase, “The answer for 1984 is 1776,” which resonated with the audience, who loudly cheered Jones’s presence and responded with chants of "1776."

Jones spoke about a global right-wing wave, mentioning conservative populist candidates gaining traction in South America and Europe who are anti-New World and anti-globalist. He emphasized the need for civility and peace leading up to the election, warning against characterizations of civil unrest by the left.

“If this Republic falls, the entire world falls to the UN and the globalist and their hellish plan to literally take everything you’ve got, including your children, away from you,” Jones proclaimed.

He described the New World Order as an "ultra-rich, anti-capitalist monopoly" aiming to end open, free societies and consolidate total control. “The future is not globalist! The future is human,” Jones declared, receiving a standing ovation from the audience. Jones also expressed confidence that Trump, if re-elected, would be determined to dismantle the deep state and combat globalist agendas. 

Both speakers emphasized a dichotomy between the right-wing "team humanity" and the left-wing "team new world order." Posobiec warned that the left aims to strip individuals of their liberty, identity, culture, language, and faith.

“They are the unhumans… they want to unhuman us," he said, referrencing his forthcoming book Unhumans with Joshua Lisec. "They want to rob us of our liberty. They want to rob us of our identity, of our culture, of our language, of our faith. Everything that makes us actual spirited connected beings in our world,” Posobiec expressed.

Jones responded by describing a vision of reclaiming America and launching a global movement inspired by the principles of 1776. “We are going to win and when we take back America, we are going to start the project to take back the world. Not through force, but through intellectual and spiritual power under Christ, under God. And we are going to launch the next project of 1776 worldwide,” Jones declared.

“We want a pro-human future under God,” Jones concluded. “We are not going to submit to this anymore.”

“We are the unity they don’t want to see,” Posobiec added. “When they come after one of us like Alex Jones or Steve Bannon or Donald Trump, we are going to say ‘we’ve got their back."

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