Trump becomes first major US presidential candidate to accept crypto donations

Trump's campaign urged supporters to "build a crypto army moving the campaign to victory on November 5th!"

Jarryd Jaeger Vancouver, BC
On Tuesday, Donald Trump for President 2024 announced that it would be accepting donations made with cryptocurrencies for the first time, making him the only major party candidate to do so.

The former president's campaign touted the move as evidence of his commitment to stay up to date with the ever-changing financial landscape.

"This addition to President Trump's already groundbreaking digital fundraising operation marks the first time a major party Presidential nominee has embraced cryptocurrency for donations,"the campaign wrote in a press release, noting that, "contribution limits and disclosure requirements for crypto donations will follow Federal Election Commission regulations."

Those wishing to contribute to Trump with crypto can now do so via the Coinbase Commerce product, which accepts all digital currencies. The campaign went on to note that as president, Trump "reduced regulations and championed innovation in financial technology, while Democrats, like Biden and his official surrogate Elizabeth Warren, continue to believe only government has the answers to how our nation leads the world."

"The effort to reduce the control of government on an American's financial decision-making is part of a seismic shift toward freedom," it added. "Today’s announcement reflects President Trump's commitment to an agenda that values freedom over socialistic government control."

The campaign cited Elizabeth Warren, who expressed a desire to form an "anti-crypto army," as evidence that "MAGA supporters" need to come together and "build a crypto army moving the campaign to victory on November 5th!"

In 2019, Trump wrote in a post on X that he was "not a fan of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies," suggesting they were "not money" and "can facilitate unlawful behavior."

As reports, Trump has since done a 180 and made a name for himself in the world of digital currencies, with the former chair of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission, Chris Giancarlo, labeling him "America's first crypto president."
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