Women soccer players injured by trans-identified biological competitor male during match

The male is also a leading scorer in the women's league.

Hannah Nightingale Washington DC

An Australian biological male that identifies as a woman has come under fire for reportedly injuring female soccer players in a match late last month.

The player was identified as Youtuber Riley J. Dennis by Reduxx after comparing social media posts to censored pictures used by The Daily Mail Australia, who declined to identify the transgender player.

Dennis, 30, plays in the Football New South Wales’ League One, in which at least five trans-identified males compete, and has been leading the league’s 1st Grade goal kickers table, with seven goals, according to the Daily Mail.

Dennis, who plays for the Inter Lions FC, allegedly injured female players from an opposite team in a match during the last weekend of March. According to Reduxx, reports that a female player had to seek hospital treatment as a result are currently unconfirmed.

Football NSW appears to have removed Dennis’ name from their website, listing instead an "Inter Player," who has seven goals. According to Reduxx, previous screenshots of the site showed Dennis’ name being removed.

In a post to NSW NPL Banter Page on Facebook, a soccer fan page, they wrote, "Biological adult males and it’s not just one, it is several, are playing in NSW women’s state league competitions, which contain teenage girls and young women. Shame on those clubs, who have discarded any morals they might have had, just to sign these things, so as to be able to win, where’s the dignity? You put winning above respect for the competition."

In a statement to the Daily Mail, Kirralie Smith, spokeswoman for Binary Australia, condemned the league, and said that her supporters have sent thousands of emails to Football NSW.

"No one has had any reasonable response despite all of the emails, warnings of injuries and how unfair it is," Smith said. "Football NSW has failed to answer the simple questions, 'What is a woman?' and 'Why have a woman's division if men can play in it? They have failed in safeguarding fairness and safety for girls and women."

In regards to the removal of Dennis and other transgender players images from the official website, Smith said, "Why? Why are transgender players' feelings being protected while female and their parents who raise concerns are being ignored?"

"Males retain an unfair, and sometimes unsafe, advantage due to the physical advantages of male development including bone density and structure, heart and lung capacity, blood volume, fast twitch muscle fibres, height, reach, strength, speed and stamina," said Smith.

According to the Daily Mail, one man who said to have coached men and boys’ soccer trams for 20 years posted to the Facebook page that the league needed to "take a good hard look at itself."

"After what happened on the weekend at a couple of games, family and friends are looking at pulling their kids out of their teams," he wrote. "This needs to be addressed by the powers that be before anyone else gets hurt or players refuse to take the field or players quit the game."

The Daily Mail has since revealed that Football Australia will now be delivering LGBTQ+ training and support services to the soccer community through its partnership with Pride in Sport.

"The aim of this training will be to provide the Australian Football community with a greater understanding of the lived experience of LGBTQI+ communities and their participation in sport," the statement read. 

Dennis has around 113,000 subscribers on YouTube, but appears to have stopped posting videos around a year ago.

According to Reduxx, Dennis received backlash during the height of posting videos for one that said "genital preferences" was transphobic.

The video from 2017, which has since been made private on YouTube, was titled "Your Dating 'Preferences' Might Be Discriminatory," and "prompted outrage from lesbians who felt Dennis was attempting to guilt them into having sexual relationships with males," the outlet reported.

In 2018, Dennis was seen speaking at Australia's VidCon, a YouTube convention, on a panel about coming out.


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