AOC praises God for rainy conditions at site of Trump's Bronx rally

Supporters have still showed up to the the rally despite the rain and the skies appear to be clearing.

Jarryd Jaeger Vancouver, BC

Ahead of Donald Trump's rally in the Bronx on Thursday, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio Cortez posted "God is Good" in response to rainfall in the area of the event.  

"God is Good," she wrote in her post, which quoted footage from NYC-based Politico reporter Jeff Coltin. He predicted that Crotona Park was "going to be a muddy MESS tonight for the Trump rally” because of the rain.  

Despite the rain, many have already arrived at the park for the Bronx-based rally. Trump supporters could be seen filing into the park, joining those already there dancing, chanting, and having a good time. While there has been doubt regarding how the Republican presidential candidate would be received in the Big Apple's northernmost borough, many residents have expressed their support for his arrival. 

Signs bearing messages such as "New York is Trump country" could be seen all over the area. 

One man said he would be welcomed with "open arms." 

Others slammed the post from AOC online.  

"Jokes on you," Savanah Hernandez replied 20 minutes after the representative’s post. "I'm here now and rain has already stopped, and people are already lining up."  

Another user pointed out the absurdity of Ocasio Cortez's suggestion that a little bad weather might prevent Trump supporters from attending, noting that they "will literally camp out for weeks in rain, sleet, and snow for a rally." 

"AOC is taking joy in the suffering of her constituents who want to exercise their Constitutional right to free speech by supporting President Trump," another user added. "That really says it all. AOC wants people she represents in Congress to suffer if they don’t support her politics." 

The rally is set to take place on Thursday at 6 pm.

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