BREAKING: Portland voters fire Soros-funded DA Mike Schmidt in landslide defeat

Schmidt is the latest progressive DA to be ousted in the US.

Ari Hoffman Seattle WA
On Tuesday night, voters in Multnomah County, Oregon fired one-term George Soros-backed incumbent District Attorney Mike Schmidt.

Fox 12 called the race at approximately 9:30 pm local time with Schmidt’s opponent Nathan Vasquez leading 58 percent to 42 percent. In a non-partisan primary, if a candidate garners over 50 percent of the vote, they are declared the winner of the election but don’t take office until January 2025.

According to the Oregonian, Vasquez, a longtime prosecutor, began working for the District Attorney’s office fresh out of law school. Over the last 24 years, he worked his way up the chain to become a supervisor.

Vasquez’s campaign focused on Schmidt’s soft-on-crime policies that have led to the deterioration of downtown Portland which has become overrun with homelessness and drugs.

Since he won in 2020, Schmidt has been criticized by the union that represents prosecutors which ended up endorsing Vasquez. Downtown business groups also backed Vasquez.

The Oregon Bureau of Labor & Industries found last year substantial evidence in favor of former prosecutor Amber Kinney, who alleged when she quit in 2022 that Schmidt had created a “workplace culture of fear, intimidation, and retaliation,” and had set women’s advancement in the office back by “decades.”

A senior prosecutor recently accused Schmidt of making decisions regarding promotions and clemency based on political loyalties rather than using policies in place.

Oregon Live reported that even a last-minute influx of cash to his campaign from groups tied to far-left Democratic mega-donor George Soros could not help Schmidt’s sinking campaign overcome all the baggage.

The results echoed a poll earlier this month that showed Vasquez well on his way to victory. Multnomah County voters favored banning camping in public places 63 percent to 27 percent. The polling stacked up similarly regarding treating drug use as a crime.

Schmidt is the latest progressive DA to be ousted in the US. San Francisco voters recalled activist Chesa Boudin in San Francisco two years ago. That same year Kim Foxx in Chicago chose not to seek re-election. Both championed social justice reforms that led to spiking crime in their respective cities.  
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