Canadian News

Canadian News, News

Toronto Imam is issuing religious marriage certificates for polygamous relationships

“We have a problem and eventually this society, we’re going to recognize that there’s not enough men for each woman," said Imam Aly Hindy.

Cosmin Dzsurdzsa / Jan 13, 2019

Canadian News, News

Canada's new impaired driving laws can arrest innocent people in their own homes

Canada’s laws on impaired driving now allow police to demand breathalyzer tests from regular citizens minding their own business in bars, restaurants, or even in the comfort of their own home.

Roberto Wakerell-Cruz / Jan 10, 2019

Canadian News

Albertan separatism: How would it work, if at all?

Alberta. The frustrated, underappreciated, and rebellious youth of our dysfunctional Canadian family appears to be more angry than ever.

Joseph Fang / Dec 18, 2018

Canadian News, Opinion

Canada's most perplexing leaders

Some Prime Ministers have particularities, and others have seances with their dead relatives.

Ali Taghva / Dec 18, 2018

Canadian News

Progress Alberta accepted nearly $40,000 from Tides Foundation

The Tides Foundation is notoriously anti-oil and gas.

Joseph Fang / Dec 17, 2018

Canadian News

Trudeau completely abandons balanced budget pledge

The PM appears to believe deficit spending will not hinder the capacity of the nation.

Joseph Fang / Dec 17, 2018

Canadian News

NDP MP calls Doug Ford, "White Trash"

The MP's decision is likely a worrying step towards more divisive and offensive language in Canadian politics.

Ali Taghva / Dec 16, 2018

Canadian News

If we want to avoid the worst effects of climate change, why do we think a puny carbon tax is the solution?

Are there better solutions for fighting climate change than a carbon tax?

Lucas Holtvluwer / Dec 16, 2018

Canadian News, American News

Are illegal border crossers jumping the queue?

Canada has a defacto open borders policy when it comes to asylum seekers.

Christopher Lindsay / Dec 16, 2018

Canadian News

The government retreats from compelled speech on Summer Jobs program

No more forced speech, but censorship of the “wrong” opinions continues.

John Carpay / Dec 15, 2018

Canadian News

Six key issues Canadians care about that the Trudeau government is ignoring

While Justin Trudeau clowns his way around the world signing this agreement and that, the issues at home that most need fixing are being ignored.

Cosmin Dzsurdzsa / Dec 14, 2018

Canadian News

Scheer to announce Francois Corriveau as new candidate in Quebec riding of Manicouagan tomorrow

Corriveau says the time is right, thinks the Bloc can be unseated under Scheer's leadership in 2019

Lucas Holtvluwer / Dec 13, 2018

Canadian News

Interview with Hannah Dawson-Murphy: 22-year-old seeking Conservative nomination

Hannah has gotten attention both at home and across Canada for defying the common perception of both conservatives and young people in this country.

John Ployer / Dec 12, 2018

Canadian News

Quebec should build Energy East or we may face an Albertan revolt

Albertans will find it harder to provide Quebec its much needed equalization payments if they cannot adequately sell their oil.

Ali Taghva / Dec 11, 2018

Canadian News, News

Canadian deficit could reach $30 billion per year; Parliamentary Budget Office

The deficit may be rapidly getting out of hand.

Ali Taghva / Dec 11, 2018

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