The poll was conducted after the latest, and last, presidential debate. It finds Trump polling at 48 percent, with Biden at 46 percent.
New video has surfaced showing Joe Biden addressing troops at a military base instructing them to "clap for that, you stupid bastards."
President Trump recently announced a ban on critical race, gender, and queer theory indoctrination in government agencies, and tonight he extended that prohibition to companies and businesses that work with the US federal government.
Presidential hopeful Joe Biden has said that the American people don't need to know who is on his Supreme Court nomination shortlist.
Republican congressional nominee for Maryland's 7th district Kimberly Klacik exposed a "broken Baltimore" that's been abandoned by Democratic leadership and unveiled her vision in a follow-up video.
Democrats are crying foul—because McConnell would not hold a hearing for Obama's final Supreme Court nomination in 2016. But they have Joe Biden to thank for both McConnell's 2016 refusal and his 2020 promise.
CNN political reporter Daniel Dale essentially admitted he'll be fact-checking President Donald Trump more than Democrat nominee Joe Biden in the days before the election.
Better leadership and policies offer the only path to recovery for Canada's economy.
"I just have one thing to say," Biden said pulling out his phone. After a moment, the song "Despacito," a popular Latin pop song begins playing.
Gov. Scott Walker blasted Vice Presidential hopeful Kamala Harris for visiting Jacob Blake in his hospital bed in Wisconsin, but not the two injured officers who were shot in her own state of California.
As he faltered over the description of the photo, the image of the onscreen teleprompter was made clear.
To date, politicians and health officials won't release statistics disclosing the full impact of their lockdown measures.
As a result of his diplomatic acumen, Trump has now been twice nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize. The Atlantic is calling for the abolition of the prize itself.
Morneau—whose personal wealth is counted in millions—will have to pay a measly $300 fine, and will have to post a copy of the findings on his social media.
"WE closure changes nothing," said the Carleton MP. "Finance Committee will resume investigations once Parliament opens. You can run but you can't hide."