Rudy Giuliani served indictment papers while celebrating 80th birthday in Arizona alternate electors case

“It’s unfortunate that they chose to barge up and startle guests during a celebration of this man’s 80th birthday.”


Rudy Giuliani was served with indictment papers for his alleged involvement in the "fake electors" case in Arizona during his 80th birthday party in Palm Beach.  

The incident occurred when two officials from the Arizona Attorney General's office arrived in the middle of the celebration, which was attended by nearly 75 guests, and handed Giuliani the papers at around 11pm, according to the New York Post

A spokesperson for Giuliani expressed disappointment over the timing and manner of the service, stating, “It’s unfortunate that they chose to barge up and startle guests during a celebration of this man’s 80th birthday.” 

“They could’ve shown a little more respect for the man who comforted the nation following September 11th and who stands up for law enforcement and the men and women in blue,” the spokesperson added. 

According to earlier reports, Arizona prosecutors had been attempting to locate Giuliani for several weeks. They finally succeeded in serving him the indictment at his birthday event last Friday night, after which Giuliani reportedly left the gathering. 

The charges in the Arizona case include fraud, forgery, and conspiracy. These charges are related to actions taken by Giuliani and others in 2020, where GOP officials in Arizona falsely declared in official documents sent to Congress that Donald Trump had won the state of Arizona. 

The indictment states, “In Arizona, and the United States, the people elected Joseph Biden as President on November 3, 2020. Unwilling to accept this fact, Defendants and unindicted coconspirators schemed to prevent the lawful transfer of the presidency to keep Unindicted Coconspirator 1 in office against the will of Arizona’s voters.”

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