Trans advocacy group Human Rights Campaign to boost Biden with $15 MILLION to sway swing state 'equality voters'

HRC President Kelley Robinson, who identifies as a black, queer, mom claimed that those votes will be key to get Biden the presidential bid. 


The Human Rights Campaign president announced that the LGBTQ oganization will be doing a swing state blitz campaign in an attempt to get voters out to support Biden in 2024. The Human Rights Campaign (HRC) announced that they will hire field workers to go knock doors, make phone calls, and launch ads in the effort to boost Biden over the finish line in November, to the tune of $15 million.

The blitz is intended to cover six key battleground states that Biden will need to win in November: Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Georgia, Arizona and Nevada. HRC estimated that there will be about 75 million "equality voters" or those who vote based on the equal protections of those who identify as LGBTQ. The activist group claims that about a third of them have not decided yet on who they are voting for in the election. 

HRC President Kelley Robinson, who identifies as a black, queer, mom revealed to NBC News that those votes will be key to get Biden the presidential bid. She said that the people that are usually "equality voters" are younger than 40 and are women 70 percent of the time.  

“This group of voters, when you break them down by state, can actually make the difference. In a state like Arizona, where President Biden won it by about 10,000 votes, you got 1.4 million equality voters,” Robinson told the outlet. “This is a powerful constituency, a powerful community. It’s our job to make sure that they have the tools that they need to show out to the polls. So we’re going to be knocking on doors, making phone calls, engaging every member that we’ve got to make sure that our people turn out.”

In a recent New York Times poll, it was found that Trump led in all of these states with the exception of Michigan, spelling bad news for the Biden camp. Biden has had trouble with his far left flank over his stance on Israel, which he has since adjusted to be more in line with those backing Palestinians over Israel in the Hamas-led conflict.

According to the poll, much of the gains for Trump come from minority voting blocs who have supported Biden in the past, and who the Democrats mostly take for granted.

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[HRC estimated that there will be about 75 million "equality voters" or those who vote based on the equal protections of those who identify as LGBTQ. ] Two percent of the population is 6.6 million people. If you want to throw in a buddy for each one, that doubles it to 13.2 million. She sure is optimistic.

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