Trans runner wins girls 400m race in Washington state championship

“Stop saying girls are okay with this. They're CLEARLY not.”


On Saturday, trans-identified male athlete, Veronica Garcia, won the Washington state girls 400-meter race by over a full second, leading the East Valley (Spokane) girls track team to a state championship. 

In a video posted on X, Garcia had a massive lead the entire race, and posted a final time of 55.75 seconds with the second-place finisher, Lauren Mathew, running at 56.75 seconds.

Former swimmer at the University of Kentucky and women's rights advocate, Riley Gaines, posted a video of the second-place finisher receiving thunderous applause, and almost nothing when the trans athlete was announced. 

"Watch the girls on the podium cheer for the rightful state champ vs when the boy is announced," Gaines wrote. "Stop saying girls are okay with this They're CLEARLY not, but the risks & threats they face for even daring to oppose this are real. My heart breaks for them. 

According to TrackScoreboard, Garcia's team captured the state championship title by eight points, with the trans-identified males winning giving them ten points in the process. 

In the male category, Garcia's run would have earned last place, with the next closest person being two seconds faster. The top male athlete in the boys 400-meter ran a winning time of 48.43 seconds, or 7.32 seconds faster than Garcia. 

Garcia's win comes just a week after a trans runner in Oregon received boo's after winning the state's 200-meter championship. Aayden Gallagher won the Oregon State Athletic Association Track and Field State Championship 200-meter race and placed second in the 400-meter.

When pointing out how the female athletes cheered for second place and not for first, Gaines said, "Stop saying girls are okay with this because they aren't." She added, "This is heartbreaking and deeply regressive."

Following the event, parents and athletes spoke under conditions of anonymity to the Publica and revealed that the state sports organization has threatened to ban anyone who complains about trans-identified males competing in female sports. 

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