Trans volleyball player banned from high school sports for a year by Florida athletic board

The letter notes that the athlete took part in 33 games between the 2022-23 season and the 2023-34 season, with the team winning 18 of those games. The school was fined $500 for each of these games.

Hannah Nightingale Washington DC

The Florida High School Athletic Association (FHSAA) has fined a high school and placed a trans-identified male volleyball player on probation for a year after the athlete played on the school’s female team in violation of the state’s "Fairness in Women’s Sports Act."

The Fort Lauderdale-area Monarch High School was fined $16,500, with the principal and athletic director being ordered to attend rules seminars. The school was also placed on probation for about 11 months, with further violations meaning increased punishments for the school.

In a letter obtained by the Daily Signal, the FSHAA has also prohibited the athlete from competing in sports until November 2024. 

The letter notes that the athlete took part in 33 games between the 2022-23 season and the 2023-34 season. The school was fined $500 for each of these games.

"Thanks to the leadership of Governor Ron DeSantis, Florida passed legislation to protect girls’ sports and we will not tolerate any school that violates this law," Education Commissioner Manny Diaz Jr said. "We applaud the swift action taken by the Florida High School Athletic Association to ensure there are serious consequences for this illegal behavior."

The school is accused of violating FHSAA Bylaw 8.6.2 and Florida Statute 1006.205(3)(c).

FHSAA states that Florida bylaw 8.62 says that “biological males may not participate on a female team in any sport," while Florida Statute states that "athletic teams or sports designated for females, women, or girls may not be open to students of the male sex."

Monarch High School is allowed 10 business days to appeal the decision.

According to the Associated Press, the student identified as female before elementary school, and has been using a female name since second grade. The student began taking testosterone blockers at the age of 11, and began taking estrogen at 13. The student’s birth stated gender on his certificate has also been changed.

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