WATCH: Dinesh D'Souza explains how Obama's fingerprints are all over Biden's Afghanistan disaster

Conservative commentator Dinesh D'Souza on his podcast Thursday tied the recent chaos and tragedy in Afghanistan with the Taliban takeover of the country directly to the actions of ex-President Barack Obama.


Conservative commentator Dinesh D'Souza on his podcast Thursday tied the recent chaos and tragedy in Afghanistan with the Taliban takeover of the country directly to the actions of ex-President Barack Obama.

"There was a pastor many years ago who said that whenever something truly evil happens in the world, look carefully; Satan's fingerprints are all over it," D'Souza said. "And there's a kind of a political equivalent to that. Whenever something really bad happens for the United States, even domestically or internationally, Obama's fingerprints are usually all over it."

"And that is the case here, even with the return of the Taliban, believe it or not."

D'Souza then went on to talk about the "Bowe Bergdahl exchange," where the US released five "seasoned Taliban commanders" for one US soldier held in captivity by the Taliban.  The five Taliban leaders were supposed to be watched over in the country of Qatar, but Qatar appears to have been a terrible choice for their destination. Later, other Arabic countries went as far as to embargo Qatar for their alleged involvement with international terrorists groups, including the Taliban.

D'Souza continued: "One of these five guys is a guy named Khairullah Khairkhwa. This guy ... surfaced recently when he appeared with a group of Taliban to meet Biden's envoy to Afghanistan."

"Here on the other side of the table is a Taliban guy who happened to be one of the exact five guys that supposedly Obama sent back, but sent back in a manner that he would be under constant supervision, not causing any trouble whatsoever."

"Except, he happens to be one of the key guys leading the assault on Kabul."

"He is believed by many to be the mastermind of regime change in Afghanistan, so think about the significance of this. We've got a guy in our own captivity. We let him go," D'Souza said. "And this is part, by the way, of a Gitmo catch-and-release plan. He's not the only guy. Just recently, Biden released a prisoner, the accused terrorist Adbul Latif Nasir."

"I think Obama, somewhere, is sitting back smiling and thinking 'Wow, you know, I was able to, even out of power, looking back on all the things I did, look at the mortal blows I was able to inflict on my own country,'" D'Souza concluded.


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