Zelensky an 'ungrateful international welfare queen': Donald Trump Jr.

"We are grateful for [the United States'] support, but it is not enough. It is a hint — it is not enough," Zelensky said.

Donald Trump Jr. took to Twitter on Wednesday morning to express his frustration at Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky's suggestion that the United States isn't providing enough money for his nation's war effort.

"Zelensky is basically an ungrateful international welfare queen," Trump Jr. tweeted.

The comment comes as the Ukrainian leader attends a meeting with President Biden at the White House, and is set to deliver a speech in Congress, which led House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to compare him to Winston Churchill

Zelensky will be asking for more money from the government, saying in a video recorded in city of Bakhmut in Ukraine's contested Donetsk province, that "We are grateful for [the United States'] support, but it is not enough. It is a hint — it is not enough," according to the Associated Press.

The House is set to vote on a controversial federal spending bill that would include $45 billion in additional aid for Ukraine. If passed, would make this the largest sum so far to be approved by congress. This would be on top of the $1.85 billion security assistance package, include the Patriot missile system, that Biden announced ahead of his meeting.

The massive spending bill has faced strong opposition from a number of Republicans, notably Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, who slammed Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell on Wednesday for helping the Democrats push the nearly $2 trillion omnibus spending bill.

"Mitch McConnell helps pass a nearly $2 TRILLION Onnimonster so that he can hand a $47 BILLION dollar check to Zelenskyy when he shows up in DC today," she tweeted. "But in my district, many families & seniors can’t afford food & many businesses are struggling bc of Biden policies."

"We, Republicans, as a national party need to have a serious talk about supporting any member of our party that betrays us in this manner," she added.


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