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Adam Dobrer

Dog lover photographer and politics nerd so all around the coolest guy you know.

American News

'Get in an exercise and maybe listen to some good worship music,' Chris Pratt says personal attacks left him feeling 'upset and depressed' but he got over it

"I knew that if I put on my Christian music playlist and I got out of the woods and ran that I’d feel better but I just didn’t want to and I did it anyways and gosh was I right. It felt amazing. I got out of the woods, got my blood pumping."

Adam Dobrer / Nov 6, 2021

International News

Biden sends CIA Director to Moscow as fears grow over possible Russian invasion of Ukraine

In a rare move, the Biden Administration sent CIA Director Bill Burns to Moscow to warn the Kremlin that the United States is 'monitoring' its troop buildup on the border with Ukraine.

Adam Dobrer / Nov 6, 2021

News, International News

Japanese man dressed as the Joker goes on stabbing rampage in Tokyo Metro

Dressed as the iconic Batman villain, a Japanese man boarded a Tokyo train and injured seventeen people in a stabbing and fire attack on Sunday, while the streets were full of costumed revelers celebrating Halloween.

Adam Dobrer / Oct 31, 2021

News, American News

Biden TANKS in latest polling—71% say America is heading in wrong direction

Just nine months into Biden's presidency, 71 percent of Americans say the country is headed in the wrong direction.

Adam Dobrer / Oct 31, 2021

Canadian News, News

BREAKING: Heather Stefanson becomes first female Premier of Manitoba

After serving as provincial health minister amid the coronavirus pandemic, establishment favorite Heather Stefanson narrowly beat out her opponent Shelly Glover to become Manitoba's first female premier.

Adam Dobrer / Oct 30, 2021

News, American News

St. Louis mayor's press conference on violent crime interrupted by gunfire

St. Louis Mayor Tishaura Jones didn't flinch, quipping, "Oh isn't that wonderful," before continuing the press conference.

Adam Dobrer / Oct 30, 2021

Canadian News, News

Royal Canadian Legion to raise flag to full mast prior to Remembrance Day Ceremony

The Royal Canadian Legion plans to raise the Canadian flag at the National War Memorial in Ottawa before Remembrance Day and then lower it to half-mast.

Adam Dobrer / Oct 30, 2021

Canadian News, News

Conservative campaign chair Walied Soliman wins defamation suit against 'far-right' commentator Daniel Bordman

Mr. Soliman, a Muslim lawyer who was chair of O'Toole's leadership campaign and 2021 election campaign won $500,000 in damages afer Bordman suggested that Soliman was a supporter of terrorism

Adam Dobrer / Oct 24, 2021

Canadian News

Premier Ford: Ontario to end all COVID restrictions by end of March 2022

Ontario is set to lift all COVID-19 public health measures by the end of March, including health region mask mandates.

Adam Dobrer / Oct 23, 2021

News, International News

China ramping up efforts to collect genetic data

China and other strategic adversaries are using "both legal and illegal means to acquire American 'know how" according to Michael Orlando, who serves as acting director for National Counterintelligence and Security Center (NCSC)

Adam Dobrer / Oct 23, 2021

News, American News

Illegal immigration skyrockets under Biden to third-highest level in 97 years

The 1.66 million illegal crossings that Border Patrol thwarted nationwide over the past 12 months mark a near-century high.

Adam Dobrer / Oct 23, 2021

News, American News, exclude

Democrats and Republicans demand answers from Fauci over cruel experiments on puppies

"Our investigators show that Fauci’s NIH division shipped part of a $375,800 grant to a lab in Tunisia to drug beagles and lock their heads in mesh cages filled with hungry sand flies so that the insects could eat them alive."

Adam Dobrer / Oct 23, 2021

International News

Christchurch parts ways with its official wizard after two decades of service

There's a little bit less magic in Christchurch, New Zealand after its municipal council moved to close the book on its contract with its official wizard of over twenty-three years.

Adam Dobrer / Oct 20, 2021

Canadian News, News

Transportation Safety Board rules out railway as cause of Lytton fire

The TSB nipped speculation about the cause of the Lytton, BC wildfire in the bud when it refuted that the railway passing through the town bared some responsibility for the destructive blaze.

Adam Dobrer / Oct 16, 2021

Canadian News, News

York police recover 28 stolen vehicles valued at $1.5 million

York Regional Police announced a successful recovery of almost thirty vehicles valued at $1.5 million.

Adam Dobrer / Oct 16, 2021

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