BREAKING: Charlie Kirk energizes Detroit audience at Turning Point People’s Convention: ‘Save Donald Trump to save the country!’

"You have to save Donald Trump to save the country."

Libby Emmons Brooklyn NY

"Donald Trump is not here to save you," Charlie Kirk told the audience on Friday night, "You have to save Donald Trump to save the country. It's a big difference. Well, what does that mean? It is tempting and easy to say he's gonna fight for me, he will. But first you must fight for him."

Kirk spoke at Turning Point Action's People's Convention, set in Detroit one month before the Republican National Convention. The event is different than other political convention because the intention is not to entertain or even to impart a specific message, but to spur attendees to undertake real political action.

Attendees to the People's Convention experience the same big energy as other Turning Point events, have access to the personalities and pundits that make-up the media ecosystem of the conservative space, but they are not called upon to simply witness, but to take part. Kirk said that the movement is "bigger than Donald Trump, this is a question of the structure of government that we are going to have. We are told that we are a constitutional republic—not a democracy... but our country looks more and more like an oligarchy and not a constitutional republic."

"There is a small group of people, sometimes in both political parties, that continue to do things that are unpopular with the American people that are bad for our everyday livelihoods, and they want to tell you who can become president," Kirk said.

"The reason why Donald Trump is facing 700 years in federal prison is because he has given you a voice in this equation that he has brought you into the room," Kirk said. "The reason why they have thrown everything they can at this man and will continue to do that is that you are not supposed to care as much as you do. They want to go back to the failed politics of 2004, and 2008, where a small group of bipartisan politicians keep on doing the same thing over and over again. This event is a statement to the leaders of both political parties that we the people are back in charge, and we are going to send a triumphant message."

This time, it's not about the big names and the big personalities. It's about the attendees and learning what they can do to get out the vote, to register unregistered voters who would support the conservative cause, and to make sure that those who are registered do go out and vote on election day. Kirk pointed out that many of those who do support the conservative cause, who support Trump for a second term are some of the most likely to actually avoid voting entirely. He encouraged attendees to do what they can to make sure that these voters get out and make their choices known on the ballot in November. 

Ideas that have floated around this conference include throwing big block parties to bring the whole community and talking to voters in your own family who may not be interested in heading to the polls, or checking in with your friends to see if they really are all registered to vote and have a plan to go vote on Election Day.

In that way, it's just like other Turning Point events, because it's about community more than anything else, and working together. "You must go register new voters, you must find low propensity voters in your life and get them registered to vote," Kirk said. "According to new polling, the people least likely to vote are the most pro-Trump in this election. That means if we don't do a good job of driving turnout, if we don't do a good job of owning our neighborhoods, if we don't do a good job of registering new voters, dare I say in November, we might hear those bitter words, and you need to tattoo this in your memory, they might say that Joe Biden is reelected in another term as president United States." The crowd booed. "I agree with you. That reaction should drive you to action. I will not be able to live with myself."

Other notable speakers at the convention include Donald Trump, Vivek Ramaswamy, Steve Bannon, Jack Posobiec, Lara Trump, and so many others. There are also over 100 trainings during the convention on how to secure elections, chase ballots, start Turning Point chapters, and other community based actions. 

"Duty is ours," Kirk said. "And the result is the Lord's we do our part. And we trust in God for the rest. And that is a very important thing. Because God will not honor our laziness. If we think being apathetic going into November is going to save the country. It's about using your agency using your ability to act. And we're going to show you exactly how to do that."

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