BREAKING: Chloe Cole in tears as she addresses mom of trans teen in Congress, tells her she reminds her of her own parents who were misled by doctors

"She is doing the best with what she has been given, and unfortunately, it's not much." 


In a Thursday hearing before Congress, detransitioner Chloe Cole told the mother of an 18-year-old trans-identifying female on the witness panel that she doesn't hate her, and believes that "every parent deserves the utmost grace and guidance with how to help their child," but that she doesn't wish anyone to go through what she did. 

In her testimony, licensed professional counselor Miriam Reynolds described the process her trans-identified child went through in receiving "gender-affirming treatment," starting at 11 years old. She advocated that the "Decision should be made with parents the child and the child's medical providers without government interference."

Addressing Ms. Reynolds, Cole said with tears in her eyes, "I see my own mother and father in her." She continued, "Clearly she dearly loves her child, and she is doing the best with what she has been given, and unfortunately, it's not much." 

"I think every parent deserves the utmost grace and guidance with how to help their child. That being said, I don't wish for her child to have the same result as I did. I don't wish anyone to regret transition or detransition because it is incredibly difficult," She added. "I hope that her child gets to have a happy and fulfilling adulthood, however, that may look like."

Earlier in the hearing, Cole described the harm that was caused to her by being placed on puberty blockers, then later testosterone, at 13 years old, and a double mastectomy at 15, only to go on to detransition at 16. She said doctors had told her parents "that they could have a dead daughter or alive transgender son."

She explained that she wasn't suicidal at that point, however "at 16, after my surgery, I did become suicidal. I'm doing better now. My parents almost got the dead daughter promised to them by my doctors. My doctors had almost created the very nightmare they said they were trying to avoid." 

Cole said her message to American teenagers and their families is that "I didn't need to be lied to." She continued, "I needed compassion. I needed to be loved. I needed to begin therapy to help me work through my issues, not affirming my delusion that by transforming into a boy, it would solve all my problems."

"We need to stop telling 12-year-olds that they're born wrong. That they are right to reject their own bodies and feel uncomfortable with their own skin," she stated. "We need to stop telling children that puberty is an option. That they can choose what kind of puberty they will go through, just as they can choose what clothes to wear, or what music to listen to. Puberty is a rite of passage to adulthood, not a disease to be mitigated." 

"Learn the lessons from other medical scandals like the opioid process, to recognize that doctors are human too, and sometimes they are wrong," Chloe pleaded. " My childhood was ruined, along with thousands of detransitioners that I know through our networks. This needs to stop. You alone can stop it." 

"Enough children have already been victimized by this barbaric pseudoscience. Please let me be your final warning," She concluded. 

Cole has testified on several pieces of legislation across the country to ban sex changes on minors trying to prevent what happened to her from happening to other gender-confused children. She is currently suing her medical providers for malpractice for not properly warning her and her family of the potential side effects that could come with cross-sex hormone usage and surgical intervention.

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