The show featured the first instance of trans pronouns in the Star Wars universe.
"They're gonna say that I'm racist, but they say everyone is racist, I guess that means nobody is racist, now it doesn't mean much when you say it."
"We are Westerners fighting for the total eradication of Western civilization." Photo: Mondoweiss
"What the World Federation of Advertisers has done is they created a monopoly to basically tell all these advertisers how they should spend money based on certain speech."
"Kamala is getting rejected by everyone."
Traditionally, each state can place two statues in the Capitol.
The crowd roared as Billie Joe Armstrong held out the Trump "head" emblazoned with the word "idiot."
"Defendants' invocation of the supposedly detrimental effects of Plaintiff's 'mere presence' as one of Defendants' employees lacks constitutional import."
It's an amazing exemplar of how easy it is to fool someone who believes that appearances literally are everything.
"Seeing recent events we’ve mutually decided it’s best I permanently step away from all things MrBeast and social media to focus on my family and mental health."
Newhart was a mainstay of American television for decades.
The rapper has previously stated he thinks that Trump will win the upcoming presidential election.
Comedian Darrell Hammond said Trump's playbook is humor and it's "dangerous" to think the former president is funny.
"I think there are a lot of them," de Matteo said.
"Last I recall, woke was something we created."