EXCLUSIVE: Naomi Wolf slams Biden's border crisis, vaccine mandates

"They're given an ATM card and a cell phone, just like special forces who are dropped into a country are given a cell phone and an ATM card. They're given scooters."


Dr. Naomi Wolf’s new book, “Facing the Beast: Courage, Faith and Resistance in a New Dark Age,” is the story of the author’s journey from being on the “deep left” to crusading against Covid mandates, government restrictions on free speech and any attempts to dilute the Second Amendment and stomp on her right to bear arms.

Wolf, who once thought gun owners were “sadists” out of “horror films” now says the Second Amendment gave Americans “the breathing space to fight back” during the Covid pandemic.

Wolf, a best-selling author of books that have become a part of the feminist lexicon, says she has been dismissed by her old friends and colleagues on the left as a conspiracy theorist, a Q-Anon advocate, and even “batsh*t crazy” for daring to question the safety and efficacy of the Covid vaccine. 

She began by posting Tweets on what was then Twitter. Then she appeared as a guest on “Tucker Carlson Tonight” to discuss how the vaccine was affecting women’s health. She and Carlson couldn’t seem to find anything to disagree on. 

That might have been the final straw for the woke crowd that had once lauded her work but now had so much invested in Covid lockdowns and the government spending and overreach that went with it.

In an interview Friday, Wolf talked about her book and some of her ideological changes. There’s even a chapter entitled “Dear Conservatives, I Apologize.”

Nowhere is Wolf’s political transformation more cogent – more verifiable – than in her position on the right to bear arms.

“Yeah, I did come full circle on that, you know … I was an advisor to [Bill] Clinton's reelection campaign and to Vice President Gore. 

“So I'm like, deep, I was from the deep left. And in the deep left, you know, crazy people own guns, and crazy people want to own guns, sadists and lunatics, you know, out of horror films want to have guns in their home. And guns are treated as kind of something so dangerous to be around that, you know, you're going to shoot yourself inadvertently, you're going to shoot your child inadvertently: there's a whole kind of horror narrative around gun ownership,” Wolf told The Post Millennial.

She says a lot of factors contributed to her changing her views on firearms but the tyrannical posture of federal and state governments during the pandemic was a major cause, along with President Joe Biden’s absolute refusal to do anything about America’s open border with Mexico, something Wolf describes as an “invasion.”

Wolf says the United States is the only democratic country that continues to allow mass gun ownership while it fights to retain basic liberties. She points out in “Facing the Beast” that Canadians have no right to bear arms and when Prime Minister Justin Trudeau invoked the Emergencies Act against the peaceful trucker protest of the Freedom Convoy, the police brutality suppressed defenseless citizens.

“So this goes to the point about firearms, America is reasonably still free, or it has staged a pretty vigorous fight to retain a lot of our freedoms over the last three and a half years compared to Australia, which got killed off as democracy very quickly, or Britain, which got killed off, or Canada, a catastrophic disaster. All of these were robust democracies in early 2020. What's the difference? Firearms and literally the fact that individuals can own weapons, the Second Amendment, along with the First Amendment has allowed us the breathing space to fight back, you know, in other peaceful ways.”

Wolf doesn’t mince words about open borders.

“I believe in legal immigration, of course; however, what's happening at the southern border is an invasion.”

She says this invasion is like no other because it has not only been unopposed by the federal government but facilitated to the point that illegal immigrants not only cross the border but are then transported to sites across America.

“They're given an ATM card and a cell phone, just like special forces who are dropped into a country are given a cell phone and an ATM card. They're given scooters. You know, here in Brooklyn, where I'm sitting, a children's school has been commandeered.”

She says the migrants themselves don’t resemble the usual crowd of devastated humanity seeking a safe port of last resort. “How can I put it if you've got a million people of military age with military training pouring into the strategic cities … or other strategic areas … you can have, you know, a mass destabilizing event, which is terrifying.”

Wolf continues to examine the effect of the Covid vaccine through the WarRoom/DailyClout Pfizer Documents Analysis Volunteers. She calls both the Covid virus and vaccine “bioweapons” and directly implicates Dr. Anthony Fauci, the former director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, for “illegally continuing to conduct gain of function research, meaning bioweapons.”

In her book, Wolf argues that all of the people who foisted an unsafe vaccine on everyone – including the most vulnerable – must be held accountable. 

“As you know, I've done deep research with my team of doctors and scientists, and there's a great deal of evidence. Well, the evidence in the Pfizer documents shows that the engineering of the injection, you know, they knew they would be sterilizing people at a great scale. And in fact, there's a 13 to 20% percent drop in live births in the West since the vaccine rolled out. They knew they'd be disabling women: 62 percent of the injuries, severe adverse effects, are in women. 

“They knew they were causing strokes and heart attacks. And so look who was mandated: the people you need to defend a country in wartime were mandated: the soldiers, the sailors, the special operators, Special Forces, the pilots, the health care workers, the next generation of students, these were the ones mandated and they're the ones dying or dropping dead,” she says.

But Wolf’s book also picks up on another point that is way beyond politics and the abuses of politicians who always seem to put their own self-interest and riches above the needs of the people. 

She says there is a spiritual component to the struggle for freedom today, that the United States and other western democracies have lost sight of their Judeo-Christian origins, something Wolf says should not be dismissed or ignored but heartily embraced. She believes, in a Biblical manner, that there are spiritual “principalities and powers” behind the sometimes blatantly evil decisions of secular leaders and venal politicians. 

So she writes of “The Last Taboo” in her book and says “I think we need to break the taboo, in our educated Western discourse, against talking about metaphysical energies, both positive and malevolent.”

That includes a belief in a literal God whom too many in engaging in that Western discourse have “opened a door in our civilization for the negative spirits,” allowing the “ancient gods” of paganism to upend a Judeo-Christian tradition of humanity, civility and respect for human rights.

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