The Green Party Leadership Race has spiraled into chaos as Global News reports missing ballots, donations, and last-minute rule changes. Two contenders are now publicly voicing their concerns over the legitimacy of the race.
Glen Murray said Wednesday that the party has withheld donations to his campaign, and also believes he will not receive these funds in time for the election. The Green Party admitted on Tuesday that they accidentally kept thousands of dollars in donations that were supposed to go to Murray. This will supposedly hurt his chances. Murray believes this issue exists due to the fact that the Green Party collects all donations to candidates, takes a 25 percent cut and then delegates as needed. In this case, they simply never delegated.
To make matters worse, Murray is also reporting that some of his supporters never received a ballot. 99 percent of Green members opted to vote electronically, and were told they would receive an email allowing them to do so.
Murray says that "anecdotal" evidence suggests many of his supporters never received any email.
"I've had better weeks to be honest," he said. He also said his team plans to meet on Sunday and figure out exactly how much money the party kept from him. This would be a day after the winner is announced so this may insinuate Murray may take legal action.
"That is a problem," he said. "The party has to have a serious conversation about the impact of all of these things."
Murray is not the only candidate complaining about missing ballots, Montreal immigration lawyer Meryam Haddad also has said her supporters never received the ballot. Haddad is once again a candidate after being previously expelled for endorsing an eco-socialist party in BC.
Haddad states she is also upset with the party unilaterally changing its own rules, and allowing now lapsed members to vote in the election.
Party spokeswoman Rosie Emery acknowledged there have been some issues with ballots. "Where there is a genuine issue, we’re reaching out to people," she said.
The Green Party Leadership election will occur on Saturday, October 3rd, 2020.
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