'One Nation Under God Rally for Children': takes Parliament Hill as parents reject Pride in schools, boost religious unity

Parents came out Saturday to celebrate the success of the Canada-wide "walk-out" organized by the pro-family group Hands Off Our Kids.


The phrase "one nation under God" is found in the American pledge of allegiance spoke by school children and is now a rallying cry for Canadian parents and children who are weary of LGBTQ+ indoctrination in their schools. The symbol of this indoctrination is most visibly present in the raising of the Pride flag at schools.

Parents came out Saturday to celebrate the success of the Canada-wide "walk-out" organized by the pro-family group Hands Off Our Kids. The movement's leader, Kamel El-Cheikh, told The Post Millennial that 50 percent of students across Canada stayed out of school while the Pride flag was raised as they and their parents insisted that June should not be Pride month but "My Child June Month."

El-Cheikh was also the organizer of last September's Million Person March to oppose gender ideology in the schools and to pushback on notions that children should be able to change their pronouns without even informing their parents or that 12-year-olds should be rushed into sex change operations because they might be experiencing some degree of gender dysphoria.

Speaking before the rally began, El-Cheikh said it has been a year since he first proposed that Canadians of all faiths unite to fight for the children and his message remains one of religious harmony.

"We're going celebrate that day today, with the One Nation Under God Rally. I'm just going to point you to my speech, when I said there's rhetoric in the media to tell Christians that Muslims don't like them, or to tell Muslims that Christians don't like them. And then I looked at the audience and said, I looked and pointed at all of them, and said to them, you guys are proof that we are one nation under God. So we're going to solidify that as part of the My Child June campaign," El-Cheikh said.

In a speech before the gathering crowd, the Muslim activist expanded upon the goals of the My Child June campaign.

"Ladies and gentlemen, what is My Child June? Well for years now, we are Canadians and we don't want to offend. We are certainly not violent," El-Chekh said, noting that Canadians can be "blunt and stern" and even "be loud if you want us to be."

"But we're not violent. We're a peaceful country. Now, this is the thing that I think has been taken for granted because do not take our kindness for weakness. We are a patient bunch."

"We are parents and we are grandmothers and grandfathers" he continued, saying that his goal "was to bring people together and to build something that affirms the Canadian fabric. September 20 was not a one and done event," he said, noting that the Million Person March ultimately attracted about 1.5 million participants from coast to coast and the next march is "probably projected to be more than 1.5 million. We're expecting two to six million people from coast to coast. That's Sept. 20. And we're working on that right now."

One of the participants at Saturday's rally was David Walsh, who explained why he decided to attend.

"I came to stand for freedom with our children, for the protection of our children, I'm a father and a grandfather. And one of the callings of a father and a grandfather is to protect," he said.

"And so we're standing for the children. And as I was sharing with my friends here, I believe we're going to see the greatest awakening to God in world history. It's already begun. Do not despair," Walsh continued.

"The Lord is in this battle. We will win the battle because he's in the battle with us. And he loves his children. He said, 'Suffer the little children to come to me. Yes. He loves the children."

See more highlights of the rally here.
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