Snopes reverses 'fact check' after Ashley Biden reveals in letter to judge her stolen diary is authentic

The letter from Ashley Biden confirmed that the diary is authentic by the outlet


Snopes has reversed their previous "fact-check" which claimed that a diary purported to have been written by the president's daughter Ashley Biden was a unproven to be authentic, indicating it was a fake. In a letter provided by Ashley Biden to a court during sentencing of those convicted for having stolen the diary, Biden herself confirmed the diary's authenticity.

The diary, which resulted in scrutiny of President Joe Biden over a quote in the book that alleged he had taken "inappropriate" showers with his daughter, was found to have been stolen by two individuals and sold to Project Veritas, an investigative journalism outlet which declined to publish its contents.

The letter confirming veracity was written by the young Biden to Judge Laura Taylor Swain during the sentencing hearing for Aimee Harris, who was convicted in the diary theft and distribution. The fact-check organization Snopes, which previously cast doubts on the diary's authenticity, stated the diary is authentic following that letter.

The letter from Ashley Biden stated, "I am deeply saddened that I even have to write this letter because my personal private journal was stolen and sold for profit."

Ashley Biden Letter to Judge by Tommy on Scribd


Adding to her words, she also stated that the diary will be used to "peddle grotesque lies by distorting my stream-of-consciousness thoughts."

"Was I molested?" She had written in the diary. She also stated that she had been hyper-sexualized" as a child and had taken "probably not appropriate" showers with her father, Joe Biden.  

The letter from the president's daughter also stated, "After being the victim of a crime in my early twenties, I developed PTSD. The journal that was stolen was part of my efforts to heal. I am a private citizen, targeted only because my father happened to be running to be President. In other words, the extensive work I have done to move past my trauma was undone by Ms. Harris's actions. The defendant's actions have created a constant environment of anxiety, fear, and intimidation in which my innermost thoughts are constantly distorted and manipulated." 

Harris had said that the diary was left behind in a room that Ashley Biden was no longer staying in, where Harris had found herself and Biden's possessions. This was also what Harris had told Project Veritas.

After allegedly stealing the diary, Harris and her accomplice in the act, Robert Kurlander, sold the diary to Project Veritas, headed by James O'Keefe at the time.  

When the diary was then seized by law enforcement, O'Keefe made a statement about those that sold it to the organization.  

"We had never met or heard of the tipsters. The tipsters indicated the diary had been abandoned in a room in which Ms. Biden stayed at the time, and in which the tipsters stayed in temporarily, after Miss Biden departed the room," O’Keefe said. "The tipsters indicated that the diary included explosive allegations against then candidate Joe Biden." 

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