The 'resistance' returns: Leftist 'watchdog' groups plan to undermine MAGA policies before Trump can implement them

Interviews with over 30 officials and organization leaders by the New York Times revealed that these groups are already preparing litigation against policies in a potential second Trump term.


A network of Democratic officials and watchdog groups are gearing up to counter potential policies from a potential second Trump administration. These leftist groups are already preparing lawsuits and resistance strategies, citing fear that Trump will rule as an “autocrat,” according to a report by the New York Times.

Interviews with over 30 officials and organization leaders revealed that these groups are corroborating plans to file litigation against policies in a potential second Trump term. These leaders have claimed that they learned how to run an “effective resistance campaign” during Trump’s first term in office, but fear that a second Trump term could see the former president be more radical and more effective. 

These left-wing watchdog groups characterize Trump's MAGA policies as an attack on democracy and believe that he will act outside of the confines of the law. The States United Democracy Center, a watchdog organization that has worked with state officials from both parties, claimed that “Trump has made clear that he’ll disregard the law and test the limits of our system,” and “What we’re staring down is extremely dark.”

Project Democracy’s executive director, Ian Bassin, emphasized that preparing to resist Trump’s agenda goes beyond standard political disputes, framing it as a defense against an “aspiring autocrat.” He stated, “He is no normal candidate, this is no normal election, and these are no normal preparations for merely coming out on the wrong side of a national referendum on policy choices.”

Immigration is expected to be a significant battleground, with Trump advocating for mass deportations of immigrants in the country illegally. Patrick Gaspard, CEO of the Center for American Progress (CAP) Action Fund, accused Trump of following an "authoritarian playbook" and stressed the need to "democracy-proof" institutions. Gaspard formerly served as president of George Soro's Open Society Foundations before becoming the CEO of CAP. 

The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), which actively challenged Trump’s policies during his first term, is preparing for increased efforts in a second term. The ACLU has hired an auditing firm to ensure financial stability against potential IRS scrutiny under Trump. ACLU director Anthony Romero detailed that the organization has mapped out various scenarios for litigation against Trump, focusing on issues like illegal immigration, abortion, civil servant firings, and the use of troops against protesters.

"We're going to be the David to the government's Goliath," Romero claimed. Elected officials are also taking preemptive measures. Washington Governor Jay Inslee secured a large supply of mifepristone pills to ensure continued access to abortion medication should the federal government implement an abortion ban. This comes despite Trump’s publicly stated stance that abortion should remain a state issue.

“We have [mifepristone] physically in the state of Washington, which could stop him and his anti-choice forces from prohibiting its distribution,” Mr. Inslee explained in an interview. “It has a life span of five or six years. If there was another Trump administration, it’ll get us through.”

The coordination by these left-wing groups is evidence of “acute anxiety” regarding a second Trump presidency, per the New York Times. However, these efforts are seen by many on the right as an effort to resist and delegitimize a potential second Trump administration that would be the desire of American voters, rather than engage in constructive political dialogue.

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