Trump leads Biden by 6% in post-conviction poll when third-party candidates included: Emerson College

Trump received 44 percent of the vote to Biden’s 38 percent. RFK Jr. received six percent, while Cornell West and Jill Stein received one percent each. Nine percent of voters were undecided.

Hannah Nightingale Washington DC

A new poll from Emerson College has revealed that Trump leads Biden among voters nationwide by one point in a head-to-head matchup, with Biden’s support increasing by one point since May while Trump’s remained the same. 

When undecided voters were included in the totals and asked to choose who they would lean toward in November, Trump and Biden were tied at 50 percent. 

Trump took a commanding six-point lead when third-party candidates were included, taking 44 percent of the vote to Biden’s 38 percent. Robert F. Kennedy Jr. received the next highest amount of support at six percent, while Cornell West and Jill Stein received one percent each. Nine percent of voters were undecided.

40 percent of voters said that Trump’s conviction in New York City on 34 felony counts of falsified business expenses made no impact on their vote, while 33 percent said it would make them less likely to support him and 27 percent said they would be more likely.

"Trump’s support in our polling remained the same before and after his conviction," said Spencer Kimball, executive director of Emerson College Polling. "A majority of Democrats say it makes them less likely to support Trump (51 percent) and a majority of Republicans (55 percent) say it makes them more likely to support Trump. A plurality of independents say it makes no impact (41 percent), while 38 percent are less likely to vote for Trump and 21 percent more likely."

40 percent of voters said that Trump should be sentenced to prison time after his NYC conviction, while 25 percent said that he should be issued a fine. An additional 15 percent said that he should be sentenced to probation, while 20 percent were unsure.

Trump is scheduled to be sentenced on July 11, just days before the Republican National Convention where he will be formally named the party’s nominee for president and is expected to announce his vice president pick.

The poll was conducted between June 4 and 5 of 1,000 registered voters and has a margin of error of 3 percent.

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