Trump takes questions from grandfather, young mother, vets at epic Turning Point Action event in Phoenix

"We had the greatest economy in the history of our country and we’ll do it again, but we’ll do it even better," Trump added.

Hannah Nightingale Washington DC

Donald Trump took questions from attendees of a Turning Point Action town hall event on Thursday evening, giving responses on the economy, the border crisis, national security, and other topics.

A grandfather asked Trump how he will ensure that his grandchildren will have the same life that he had, breaking up while answering the question. 

Trump said he will make they have the same life "or better," saying that the country will be safer through law enforcement being given back the ability to do their jobs, and get life back to how it was.

"It was a life of common sense. It was a life where there was no crime, there was nobody getting bopped over the head while they weren’t looking, getting pushed onto a railroad, train, or subway. It’s just horrible what’s taking place. It’s horrible, it’s evil. We’re going to get it back to common sense."

One Arizona mom asked how he will address the growing amount of drugs coming across the southern border into the nation and communities like hers.

Trump said his administration is going to make the border "very powerful" and use federal powers to close it, will stop the drugs coming across the border, and will stop the human trafficking seen there. "And we’re going to make your homeland safe for you to stay with your family."

Trump applauded Texas Governor Greg Abbott’s moves to secure the border, noting that the majority of people crossing into the US illegally are coming in through California and Arizona.  

A pastor asked Trump how he would ease the gas prices that have skyrocketed under the Biden administration.

Trump said "drill baby drill," adding that he would cut energy costs to 50 percent of what they are currently in the nation, noting that interest rates would "naturally follow."

"We had the greatest economy in the history of our country and we’ll do it again, but we’ll do it even better," Trump added.

A man who enlisted in the Army Reserve asked Trump how he would bring about peace under a second term, noting that "our national security is at risk with endless wars."

Trump noted Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, who said that wars began popping up under Biden because "Donald Trump isn’t president. If Trump is president, it’s all going to end. They all respected Trump.

Trump said that people like Hillary Clinton said that Trump would World War III, but instead he "totally defeated ISIS," got the US out of Iraq and Syria, kept the country out of wars, "rebuilt our military and countries respected us."

He said that he got the country out of these wars because "I want to spend our money in our country, doing our country’s great things."

"We are going to make sure there's no wars."

A retired veteran who had to close down his business due to Biden’s economy asked how Trump how he would make sure other small businesses "don't go through the same grinder?"

Trump criticized Biden’s economy and the spending on things like windmills, , saying "we have to get back to the basics."

"You have to be able to help people like you, not to help his friends who make all this crap," Trump said, later adding "we’ll take care of you, you watch."

A woman who said she’s an advocate for senior citizens told Trump that they are "concerned that they're not going to be able to survive 4 more years of Biden. What can you say today to give them some hope and encouragement?"

Trump responded, "Vote for Trump," which was met with cheers from the crowd.

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