Woman boxer withdraws from Quebec championship fight rather than face trans competitor

"Women shouldn’t have to bear the physical and psychological risks brought by a man's decisions regarding his personal life and identity."

Katie Daviscourt Seattle WA
A Canadian female boxer withdrew from the provincial championship in Quebec after finding out one hour before the match that she would be competing against a trans-identified biological male.

Dr. Katia Bissonnette of Saguenay refused to compete against transgender fighter Mya Walmsley, citing safety concerns, which resulted in the biological male winning the 2023 Provincial Golden Glove Championship by default.

"I came down from my hotel room to head towards the room where all the boxers were warming up. My coach suddenly took me aside and told me he received information by text message, which he had then validated, that my opponent was not a woman by birth. We did not have any other additional information," Bissonnette told Reduxx.

Walmsley moved to Canada from Australia two years ago to attend Concordia University and had no fights under his belt as a woman, until now. Bissonnette said that Walmsley would have competed in Australia as a male and had only recently filed to compete as a female. The transgender fighter still has a masculine appearance.

"In Quebec, on his file, it is mentioned that he had zero fights as a woman," Bissonnette told the outlet.

She said that her decision to withdraw from the Golden Glove Championship that took place in late October in Victoriaville, Quebec, came down to safety.

"According to a study, a male blow has 163% more impact than a woman's, even adjusted for weight," Bissonette said, citing a study conducted by the University of Utah. "In the group studied, the weakest man remains physically superior to the strongest woman."

Bissonette said that due to the increased risks combat sports pose to women, the acceptance of trans-identified biological men into the competing sphere could result in the cancellation of combat sports for women.

"Women shouldn’t have to bear the physical and psychological risks brought by a man's decisions regarding his personal life and identity," Bissonette told Reduxx. "There should be two categories: biological male and female."

Transgender fighter Mya Walmsley wasn't too keen after learning his opponent went to the media to express frustrations and released a statement to the press slamming Bissonette of inciting violent rhetoric, according to the outlet.

"Rather than turning to me, my coach, or the Quebec Olympic Boxing Federation for more information, she decided to turn directly to the media to out me," Walmsley wrote. "This kind of behavior puts athletes at risk of being excluded or receiving personal attacks based on hearsay…I am afraid that this type of accusation could eventually be used to delegitimize athletes in the women's category, and justify arbitrary and invasive regulations."

Despite reportedly knowing Walmsley's biological sex, the Quebec Boxing Federation defended the fight by claiming they had selected a suitable referee to oversee the match. The tournament was a qualifier for the Canadian Championship in December.
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She did the right thing. Women should resign in general until it happens so often that the organizers are forced to take this problem seriously. These "transsexual" competitors are an embarrassment who should be mocked, not applauded.

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