Wyoming Freedom Caucus urges governor to sue Biden over plan to eliminate coal mining in Powder River Basin

"If the Governor's response is anything like his typical response to Biden's climate-cult policies, Wyoming is gone as we know her."


The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) under President Biden's administration has announced a new rule that will terminate federal coal leases in the Powder River Basin, the largest source of coal in the United States. This decision is expected to result in the loss of 4,000 jobs in Wyoming and billions of dollars in state revenue.

The BLM’s Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement referred to this decision as the “no-leasing alternative,” citing considerations such as air quality, greenhouse gas emissions, climate change, and "environmental justice." 

"If the Governor's response is anything like his typical response to Biden's climate-cult policies, Wyoming is gone as we know her," Representative Rachel Rodriguez-Williams, one of the Wyoming Freedom Caucus members who signed the letter, told The Post Millennial.

"The Governor sits on his hands on issues such as this because he agrees with this administration's radical 'climate crisis.' Wyoming is seeing the 'Green New Deal' unfold right before her eyes. The Cowboy State is now ground zero for the 'climate crisis' battle, and our future rests in the hands of a man who promised to maintain the status quo."

The federal government highlighted the sector’s emissions and their impact on climate change as a motivating factor for the decision. The BLM also cited Wyoming’s failure to secure a coal export terminal in Washington state.

Coal production in the Powder River Basin currently produces energy for millions of Americans. While current leases will remain unaffected, production will be halted for future leases starting in 2041.

In response to the announcement, the Wyoming Freedom Caucus sent a letter to Governor Mark Gordon, urging legal action against the Biden administration. The letter emphasized Wyoming's legal duty to resist the BLM’s decision under the National Environmental Policy Act.

“As a cooperating agency under the National Environmental Policy Act, Wyoming has the legal ability — and duty — to resist the BLM’s radical move to destroy Wyoming as we know it,” the letter stated. 

“We implore you to step up, fight back, and protect Wyoming, first and foremost by filing a protest with the Bureau of Land Management, and by preparing for a full-fledged legal battle now — not later.”

When the new rule was initially issued, Governor Gordon stated, "As with the other attacks on Wyoming’s fossil fuel industries, the Attorney General is actively pursuing options to challenge these destructive decisions," according to USA Today.

However, the Freedom Caucus has criticized the governor for failing to act decisively and take prompt legal action. Following the new rule, groups in Wyoming will have thirty days to file a formal protest. Wyoming is currently the largest coal producer in the US. Coal production in the state accounts for 41 percent of the nation's total supply, according to NPR

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These climate cultists have gotten out of control. The Biden administration could care less if people lose their jobs because of this.

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