Those without cars or who are simply not willing to sit in traffic for hours to make it into the city are out of luck.
"[A] friend who is a literary agent told me that he cannot even get editors to read first novels by young white male writers," Joyce Carol Oates wrote.
The safety and efficacy of the Covid-19 vaccines is far from settled.
"Rather than explaining why the evidence put forward by Ms. Lewis was right or wrong, Justice Belzil instead declared the safety and efficacy of the Covid-19 vaccines is irrelevant to the case."
Instead of blaming themselves or their own cluelessness, the Board did what the Biden administration is so excellent at doing— blaming anyone other than themselves for their own failures.
“Democracy’s enemies have refined their instruments of oppression."
I am an old school liberal. I believe in protecting the free speech rights of those you disagree with. It is and must remain an essential American value.
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau defended Canada's vaccine mandates while calling the overturning of Roe V. Wade "an attack on everyone’s freedoms and rights."
"It is crucial in this time of public education's decline... that we elevate the voices of all stakeholders in education—not just the chosen, left-leaning few."
"It is crucial in this time of public education's decline... that we elevate the voices of all stakeholders in education—not just the chosen, left-leaning few."
"Ultimately, the authors propose that 'drag pedagogy' provides a performative approach to queer pedagogy that is not simply about LGBT lives, but living queerly."
Each time Hernandez has been banned has been shortly after one of her interviews went viral and garnered national recognition.
"I quit acting for three years, because that I was getting emails like that, just explicitly out front like, 'Hey, I probably shouldn't submit you because you're white, but you're right for the role.'"
"I have more confidence in myself. It took having everything stripped away for me to have that confidence to stand up for myself to stand up for what I felt was right. And it opened the door."
"Now we know that not a single police force in this country made that recommendation," said Conservative Dan Lloyd on Wednesday.