Ms. Lavoie, a 24-year-old Quebec resident was previously found with bruises after Mr. Mahamat allegedly beat her. Ms. Lavoie's mother had sent money for her to return home soon after that.
That was just a tiny portion of the almost $2 million SNC spent to entertain the young Gaddafi.
A letter signed by five former Attorney Generals has urged the RCMP to criminally investigate the alleged political interference in the SNC-Lavalin affair.
Finance Minister Bill Morneau rushed away from reporters earlier today when pressed on his alleged involvement in the SNC-Lavalin affair.
Finance minister Bill Morneau has denied that he and his office put undue pressure on former attorney general Jody Wilson-Raybould to defer SNC-Lavalin’s bribery and corruption charges, contrary to her testimony Wednesday.
The Liberals have been manipulating the mainstream media for their own advantage and Canadians are catching on.
"I believe my evidence will be of assistance to the Justice and Human Rights Committee," said Gerald Butts.
The B.C. Supreme court ruled that "attempt to persuade the child to abandon treatment or references to them as a girl or using female pronouns “shall be considered to be family violence” under the Family Law Act.
Conservative party leader Andrew Scheer has now publicly "informed" RCMP commissioner Brenda Lucki of the serious allegations lobbied against the PM, in a likely move to lobby the commissioner into acting.
Team Trudeau may be in even deeper trouble.
Abdirizak Abdullahi Mohamed was deemed inadmissible to Canada after his history of prior criminal convictions was revealed.
MPs who were in the room during testimony from former attorney general Jody Wilson-Raybould, reacted to her allegations that the PMO threatened her to defer prosecution against SNC-Lavalin for bribery and corruption charges.
The Prime Minister took centre stage today at 8 PM to categorically deny the allegations put forward by Jody Wilson-Raybould.
Conservative party leader Andrew Scheer has called on Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to resign following the testimony of Jody Wilson-Raybould.
By alluding to Watergate, Wilson-Raybould is making the public aware that Trudeau and Nixon share one major character flaw: hubris.