Pierre Poilievre demands to know 'Who pays for this latest $50 billion orgy of spending?' in Trudeau Liberals' massive spending plan

Conservative leader Pierre Poilievre slams Trudeau's latest budget


Conservative Party of Canada leader Pierre Poilievre strongly condemned Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s latest federal budget Wednesday, asking who will pay for its new spending programs.

“Who pays? Who pays for this latest $50 billion orgy of spending by this costly Prime Minister. We know who won't pay. It won't be those with trust funds that protect their millions of inheritance like the prime minister nor the billionaires that invite him to their private Caribbean islands. They'll hide their money,” Poilievre said.

“You know who’ll pay? You will pay,” Poilievre continued. “You the welder or waitress who can't pay your mortgage because he's inflated the mortgage rates you will pay because he carbon tax your food, and now you can't feed your kids. Why should you pay for him?”

Trudeau responded that he found it “interesting to see the lengths to which the Leader of the Opposition will go to avoid saying that he is choosing to stand with the ultra wealthy against the middle class against young Canadians.”

“When we first got elected and raised taxes on the wealthiest 1 percent to lower them for the middle class, the Conservative Party and that leader voted against it. We're asking for the wealthiest in this country, the wealthiest .1 percent, to pay more in taxes so we can support the middle class, so we can restore the dream particularly for young people of home ownership,” Trudeau said.

Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland racked up another $40 billion in debate as she delivered her fourth federal budget Tuesday. The Trudeau government budget contains another $52.9 billion in new spending over the next five years, including $8.5 for housing programs.

The Liberals plan to pay for a portion of this plan by heaping more taxes on the rich, including higher capital gains taxes. However, Freeland's definition of the rich would seem to include many Canadians who own real estate. The budget document notes that the government is increasing the tax to 66.7 percent on capital gains over $250,000, up from the current 50 percent.

Poilievre noted that many prominent Liberals who had previously served with the federal government and even the Trudeau government were highly critical of the budget.

“Mr. Speaker: David Dodge, proud liberal and former Liberal appointee as governor of the central bank said that this would be the worst budget in over 40 years – turned out he was right,” Poilievre quipped.

“We've had John Manley who said the prime minister is pushing on the inflationary gas pedal – Manley being a former Liberal finance minister. Bill Morneau [is] condemning the government, of which he was the former finance minister. Mr. Speaker, why is it that so many liberals have come to the conclusion that this prime minister is not worth the cost?

Trudeau dismissed his Liberal critics as being like members of the Conservative Party who “choose to stand with the ultra wealthy and not stand with young people need better supports as we ensure more housing, more investments, more opportunities for them to succeed in an economy that is increasingly tilted towards the ultra wealthy away from young people and the middle class.”

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