TRUTH BOMB: JD Vance says vote for Biden if you want your kids to fight in globalist wars, vote for Trump if you want peace through strength

"If you want your kid to go fight in some stupid globalist war, vote for Joe Biden."

Katie Daviscourt Seattle WA
In a recent interview, GOP vice presidential contender and Senator JD Vance (R-OH) said that voting for President Biden would send American kids to fight in globalist conflicts, but voting for President Trump would restore world peace.

Senator Vance laid out a vision for a pathway to victory for Republicans in November, telling Breitbart News that "people are p*ssed off" and "don't like Joe Biden," but they favor Donald Trump and "that's where you want to be."

He took aim at the Biden administration for pushing the United States to the brink of World War III, which has a particular impact on him due to the history of the Marine Corps "disproportionately" consisting of middle-class Americans from the Midwest, the same people who elected him into office.

"If you look at who serves, who fights and dies in American wars, it is disproportionately middle-class people from the industrial Midwest. Like, you go to a Marine Corps base when I served and you will see a ton of Texas and a ton of Ohio license plates. It was sort of, it became like a joke," Sen. Vance told Breitbart.

"Everybody in the Marine Corps is either from Texas or from Ohio. That means that those people, those sort of patriotic Americans, they're sending their kids to the United States Marine Corps, to the United States Army. They don't want to send those kids to fight for Volodymyr Zelensky. If we send American boys and girls to war, they want it to be for America's interest," he continued.

"I think Trump better than anybody in American politics today can go and make the argument that we are for peace when we need to and we're only going to fight a war when we have to. But when we do, we're going to punch hard and we're going to win. We're not doing these sort of global wars of democracy, which again, is something the Biden administration has really doubled down on," said Vance.

"I think Trump would take us in a different direction, but we got to make that pitch to people that if you want your kid to go fight in some stupid globalist war, vote for Joe Biden. If you want to send American Marines and soldiers to fight only when we have to, vote for Donald Trump," he asserted.

Sen. Vance, who won Turning Point Action's straw poll for Trump's VP pick in a landslide on Sunday, explained how Republicans can win in November. This includes a roadmap recently released by the RNC, such as legally chasing and harvesting as many ballots as possible.

Former President Donald Trump announced that he would nominate a candidate to be his vice presidential running mate before the RNC Convention in July. 
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