VIVA FREI: Biden's debate performance 'an abject disaster' but Democrats 'will never even think about voting for the actually qualified candidate … Donald Trump'

Biden is "totally incapable of doing the job. But they can't replace him for no good reason."

You might not recognize the name David Freiheit but if you watch new media on YouTube and Rumble, you know "Viva Frei." He has well over 600,000 subscribers on the former social media platform. The Montreal lawyer, who stopped practicing law full-time after he ascended to internet fame during the Freedom Convoy protests of February 2022, is now living in Florida and has become what might be termed an ambidextrous political commentator – analyzing both U.S. and Canadian politics.

He spoke to The Post Millennial in an exclusive interview in the aftermath of last Thursday's presidential debate between President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump. Freiheit said he was not at all surprised at how the debate turned out for either candidate. 

"I thought this was going to be an abject disaster. Well, in advance, people were making the jokes, you know, jack-up, Joe Biden with enough Adderall and whatever, and he'll plow through a debate, at least end up standing. It was an abject disaster," says Freiheit, repeating his assessment and adding that he had "a sneaking suspicion, people knew it was going to happen" this way because Biden is "totally incapable of doing the job. But they can't replace him for no good reason."

He says Trump is the obvious choice in the 2024 presidential election. "There I said it. People hate me all you want – I don't care. When Trump was president. You had relative world peace. You had a good economy and you had countries that for whatever the reason weren't messing around with America. Maybe they thought Trump was a loose cannon, or maybe they actually respected him, but they didn't do what they've done for the last four years to destroy the world."

The lawyer suggests that those in the Democratic Party who wanted to dump Biden wanted him to debate and wanted him to suffer "public humiliation, so that even the team knows."

Freiheit says he hasn't "thought [Biden's] gonna be the candidate for about a year, probably closer to two years. And I put a little money on it yesterday. And you know, his disastrous performance confirmed what everybody already knows. But they need to see with their own two eyes to feel comfortable saying it out loud."

The political analyst calls it "truly astonishing" how quickly "these hacks" in the mainstream media suddenly changed their position from "trying to convince the world that the emperor has clothes and that not only is Joe not demented, not clearly senile, not clearly capable of doing anything, let alone governing America. They're trying to make the argument that he's stronger and better and more apt than he's ever been."

"And then you see what happened last night," says Viva Frei, noting that virtually all of the media unleashed a firestorm of criticism on Biden, including CNN's own fact checker, Daniel Dale, who has been a vociferous critic of Trump.

Speaking of Biden's stalwart supporters in the media, Freiheit says, "I don't understand how these people are still in the job. They should be but they can't be fired. They need to be ignored and mocked into irrelevance because they are the most insidious, dishonest people on the face of the planet."

He predicts the Democrats will replace Biden with someone just as "detestable" but that it won't matter because he says Dem voters will support "anyone who's on the panel."

"So the fact that [Democratic California Gov.] Gavin Newsom is detestable and really, you know, an abject failure as well as a politician who is destroying California. They just need a warm body who can string together a sentence in their candidate seat, and they'll vote for them," Freiheit says, adding that "they would never even think about voting for the actually qualified and actually good candidate, Donald Trump."

Freiheit does not believe Trump will have to accept the Republican presidential nomination from prison.

"I don't think they're actually going to lock him up."

"The bigger risk to me is not them, locking him up and putting him in jail. It's something much more nefarious happening because these idiots in the left-wing media [who] are whipping up their base into an existential fear of, you know, internment camp," says Freiheit.

"But my bigger concern is someone's going to do something tremendously stupid because they've literally and I mean, literally, compared Trump to Hitler. Jake Tapper has done it. Joe Biden's done it. Dana Bash has done it. And if you see Hitler ascending to power and he's going to take control of the country … people are going to do the things that they think ought to have been done to Hitler to prevent that. So that I think is a bigger risk."

Freiheit predicted that if the Supreme Court of the United States backs Trump with presidential immunity from prosecution, it will pretty much solve his judicial problems. On Monday SCOTUS effectively did just that. 

When asked if he can think of another American president who has endured more persecution than Trump, Viva Frei responds, " I mean, Abraham Lincoln, JFK come to mind, and I don't like those names, for obvious reasons." He is guardedly optimistic about the future of a potential second Trump presidency.

"If things work out the way they should, Trump will win. He'll hopefully enact some of his policy of deporting the millions of illegal immigrants who have crossed the border in an attempt to infiltrate and basically take over our country," he says, noting that "this is a great replacement, not racially [but] politically based."

Freiheit calls the judicial persecution worse than what occurs in third world countries but is "fascist level lawfare, more like North Korea than developing countries. It has been revelatory to the point where nobody can deny it." Although he says the Democratic machine continues to think the prosecutions are working.

"The only thing that's really amazing is people are so unhinged and so deranged. They think somehow, the more that he gets persecuted under the law, the more he deserves it, as opposed to the fact that it's highlighting how out of control this weaponized, politicized lawfare has gotten."

"But for anybody who's reasonably intelligent and reasonably honest, this level of weaponizing of lawfare, and political persecution, it's never before been seen."

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