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David Marcus

David Marcus writes for The Federalist and the New York Post. His book ""Charade: The Covid Lies That Crushed A Nation will be out with Bombardier Books in June 2021.


WATCH: Lee Zeldin takes on a chess hustler in New York City park

The classic New York scene took place as Zeldin has been making national noise with a tightening of polls in the gubernatorial race, and a general sense in the Empire State that he might actually win this thing.

David Marcus / Oct 15, 2022


America is in a civilizational battle with itself

What seems to define the New Right, in all of its contentious iterations, more than anything else, is an understanding that we are in a civilizational battle. Maybe even a battle over reality.

David Marcus / May 14, 2022

Opinion, Culture

'To Rescue The Republic' gives a new look at Ulysses S Grant

"To Rescue the Republic" gives us a refreshing new glimpse of Grant as commander in chief that paints him in a new and better light and holds a mirror to our nation's current state of perpetual crisis.

David Marcus / Jan 30, 2022

Opinion, Culture

James O'Keefe's American Muckraker offers a thrilling look at how Project Veritas exposes hidden truths

The book offers a fascinating, thrilling, behind the scenes look at how Project Veritas has exposed hidden truths. It deserves to be on the bookshelf of anyone interested in the mechanics of news and information.

David Marcus / Jan 21, 2022

Discourse, #badge-discourse

Calling racism a 'public health crisis' is nothing more than a progressive power grab

For progressives, including those at the New York City Department of Health, any disparate outcomes along racial lines are in and of themselves evidence of racism.

David Marcus / Oct 24, 2021

Opinion, News Analysis

Biden is not leading America

Biden buried his head in his hands, he looked close to tears, completely unable to make whatever his point was. There has never been an image of an American president that projects such abject weakness.

David Marcus / Aug 27, 2021

Discourse, #badge-discourse

Five times the US military saved the world

Today as we take account of those who secured those victories that changed the world, it is right and just to take time to consider and be thankful for them.

David Marcus / May 31, 2021

Discourse, #badge-discourse

Joe Biden has set the Middle East on fire

So now, after having already showered Hamas with cash before the attacks, Joe Biden will reward the violence with more bags of money.

David Marcus / May 22, 2021

Discourse, #badge-discourse

January 6th is not a date worth remembering

It is precisely because there was no serious threat to our government that people feel so comfortable saying there was.

David Marcus / May 19, 2021

Discourse, #badge-discourse

Joe Biden's weakness is encouraging cyber attacks

President Biden's feckless response to this action promises to invite more potentially deadly attacks. This is Joe Biden's first major foreign policy test and he is failing miserably.

David Marcus / May 11, 2021

Discourse, #badge-discourse

When is it over?

Why is it that when it came to placing restrictions on Americans the science was clear and provided clean metrics, but now that Americans want their freedoms back, the science is nuanced and nobody really knows when it's over?

David Marcus / May 5, 2021

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