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Nico Johnson

Nico Johnson is the political correspondent at The Post Millennial. Originally from the U.K. Nico now lives and works in Montreal Quebec.

Canadian News

Trudeau's Department of Infrastructure can't account for BILLIONS of taxpayer dollars

Justin Trudeau's Department of Infrastructure, which is headed by the ever-controversial Catherine McKenna, cannot account for billions of taxpayer money.

Nico Johnson / Mar 11, 2020

Canadian News

Conservative leadership candidate O'Toole SLAMS Trudeau's coronavirus plan

Erin O’Toole has criticized Justin Trudeau’s handling of the coronavirus pandemic, saying that the prime minister has “given up the fight against COVID19.”

Nico Johnson / Mar 11, 2020

Canadian News

EXCLUSIVE: University of Victoria de-platforms conservative speaker after threats of left-wing violence

U Vic has cancelled a conservative from speaking because there were "considerable concerns around safety and security for this event.”

Nico Johnson / Mar 10, 2020

Canadian News

Peter MacKay tells social conservatives to stay quiet until CPC is in a better place

CPC candidate Leslyn Lewis has revealed a secret recording of Peter MacKay, where he tells so-cons to be quiet until the party is in a better place.

Nico Johnson / Mar 10, 2020

Canadian News

BREAKING: Alberta premier says coronavirus and oil crisis 'could not be more critical'

Jason Kenney has held a press conference today where he addressed the coronavirus and the recent collapse in oil prices.

Nico Johnson / Mar 9, 2020

Canadian News

Justin Trudeau at feminist conference while markets crash, coronavirus spreads

Oil companies are facing insolvency and Canada is facing a dramatic run on the loonie. Despite this, Trudeau is spending his time at a feminist conference.

Nico Johnson / Mar 9, 2020

Canadian News, Business & Finance

As global oil prices PLUMMET, Canada braces for recession

The shares of Albertan oil companies plummeted last night after Saudi Arabia and Russia flooded the market with oil, bringing economic turmoil to Alberta.

Nico Johnson / Mar 9, 2020

Canadian News

Omar Khadr’s lawyer appointed judge by the Trudeau government in Alberta

Justin Trudeau’s government has appointed one of Omar Khadr’s lawyers to a judicial appointment in the province of Alberta.

Nico Johnson / Mar 6, 2020

Canadian News

Anti-pipeline protestors removed from BC legislature, five arrested

The flock of anti-pipeline protestors who had been gathering outside BC’s legislature have ended their protest after the police started making arrests.

Nico Johnson / Mar 6, 2020

Canadian News

BREAKING: Jason Kenney endorses Erin O’Toole for Conservative leader

Alberta Premier Jason Kenney is supporting Erin O’Toole to become the next leader of the Conservative Party of Canada.

Nico Johnson / Mar 5, 2020

Canadian News

Justin Trudeau remains ambiguous about the decriminalization of hard drugs

Trudeau has said that he will look at the proposals in a PMB that seeks to decriminalize hard drugs, although he does not believe it’s the solution now.

Nico Johnson / Mar 5, 2020

Canadian News

Starbucks REFUSING to serve customers with reusable mugs due to coronavirus

Starbucks is temporally refusing to serve customers who bring in their own reusable mugs over fears that they may be spreading coronavirus

Nico Johnson / Mar 5, 2020

Canadian News

Conservative MP Michael Chong URGES Canadians to reject Trudeau’s attack on free speech

Michael Chong is urging Canadians to sign a petition that calls on Trudeau to reject a controversial report that undermines the free speech of Canadians.

Nico Johnson / Mar 4, 2020

Canadian News

Average price for a Toronto home now close to $1 MILLION

The average price for a home in Toronto is now coming close to $1 million, showing that housing prices in the city have no sign of slowing down.

Nico Johnson / Mar 4, 2020

Canadian News

Liberal MP introduces bill to decriminalize heroin, crack cocaine and meth

A Liberal Member of Parliment has introduced a private members bill that would decriminalize the possession of heroin, crack cocaine, and meth.

Nico Johnson / Mar 3, 2020

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