For nearly a full day, #TrudeauMustGo trended across Twitter, as a number of disgruntled Canadians voiced their opinions on Canada’s prime minister.
Eight Canadians have gotten a little more famous
Athletics are about fairness in competition. When individuals who have gone through puberty as males compete against those who have not, it is not fair competition. This is especially true in a sport that is all about upper body strength, like weightlifting.
The Calypso Waterpark in Ottawa is being criticized over images displayed for their “Kongo expedition.”
What happens when a giant tech company, a kangaroo court style human rights tribunal system, and the media all favour identity politics over facts?
In response to the Antifa violence which hospitalized prominent journalist Andy Ngo, Truscello is seen apparently defending the attack.
As tepid details emerged from inside the walls of the courthouse, one thing became clear: Yaniv had a problematic history that could not be ignored in the discussion of her litigation against the women.
While a lot of disagreements exist, a free debate can highlight our similarities. That we are human beings and have our own interpretation of things which we must respect.
It was discovered that he sent around 350 pages worth of emails to employees showing his appreciation for 2Pac. The employees also enjoyed the emails, sending him words of praise.
Marcia Da Silva, who is an immigrant from Brazil operated the business out of her home where her small children also live.
The song is a maddening tune with a very simple, yet devastating hook, repeated several times. After this song, another song called “It’s Raining Tacos” is played, which may somehow be more annoying than Baby Shark.
This month’s Halifax Pride was pressured to apologize for a photo which appeared in both their online promotional material and the July 18th-28th 2019 Pride schedule of events booklet.
Was Dr. Leana Wen ousted from her role as Planned Parenthood president for her problematic management style or because she endeavoured to depoliticize, and better facilitate, women’s health?
Laurel says she was inspired by real life events. “It came from my own experiences of men infringing on my space in public.”
Following the attack on an ICE detention centre in Tacoma, Washington by a 69-year-old self-proclaimed “Antifa” terrorist named Willem Van Spronson, King decided to praise the perpetrator’s actions, along with a number of other prominent left-wing activists.