Discourse is your destination for long-form ideas, free speech and open dialogue. Discourse features profiles of and op eds by the leading heterodox voices in the world today.
Parenthood and raising children can be something beautiful and valuable — it's not the horror story of destruction and regret that the press and social media are often trying to tell you it is.
Pedophilia as a recognized sexual orientation has gained relevance with a rising number of organizations and academics within the last decade alone.
This decision to pull alumni class photos makes no social-justice sense, let alone common sense, as it runs counter to the paradigm for the cancellation of figures considered "problematic" in the jargon of social justice theory.
Our nation is is incredibly divided, and we have different reasons, different ideas of what the cause is, but there's one undeniable fact: things suck way more now than they did before the pandemic.
After a recent internal social media detailed the negative impact social media sites on its younger users, it becomes clear that it's time for these sites to implement more stringent age restrictions.
Even when we have the opportunity to come together in the face of tragedy, if we even recognize the chance, it is short lived, more often we miss it entirely.
America must be the gold-standard of liberty, and as we sit back and let our government run rough-shod over our rights, we give up the very concept of lasting freedom for the world.
Fertility industries will prosper as they eat off the backs of women selling their eggs or renting their bodies in commercial surrogacy arrangements. This reduces humans to commodity and product.
They keep saying "trans rights are human rights." But when you say to them, "But women's rights are also human rights," their faces go blank and their eyes go dead. They are not programmed for logic.
Pushing the most important things in life, like faith, family, and friends to the online space, will make us less human, lonelier, and more depressed than ever before.
Almost every major touring artist has been forced to cancel their tours, performers who've dedicated their entire lives to the arts were abruptly told to "retrain in a new profession."
This never-ending quest to undermine one of the most important singer/songwriters of our time tells us much more about the way society is shaping itself into spineless mediocrity.
Brandeis University in Massachusetts wants to save you from the scary words that may or may not offend you.
Cuban musician Rudy Sarzo recounts life in Cuba during the "revolution," and why he thinks Cubans have a real chance to gain their freedom.
Emerging research shows that it is not fair for biological males to compete against women, except in those categories where talent, not biology, is the deciding factor in high performance.