

Blaire White claims that Jessica Yaniv doxxed her and she is calling the police

American YouTuber Blaire White claims that she received recorded confirmation from Yaniv that the Canadian leaked her personal address and phone number.

Anna Slatz and Barrett Wilson / Aug 14, 2019


Blogger mom thinks her teens’ counterculture is white supremacy

In an epic Twitter thread, a blogger mom ranted about the problem with what white, teen boys like on the internet.

Libby Emmons / Aug 13, 2019

Opinion, Culture

IMDb joins the woke brigade, bans “deadnaming”

In a change of policy, IMDb will allow trans performers’ chosen names to stand, without referring to performers’ given names.

Libby Emmons / Aug 13, 2019

News, American News, Culture

CNN’s Chris Cuomo gets trolled after saying “Fredo” is the “n-word” for Italians

For those unfamiliar with The Godfather franchise, to be a “Fredo” is to be the blacksheep in the family, and as defined by Urban Dictionary, “the one that is the goof and the screw-up. Named after Fredo Corleone,

Roberto Wakerell-Cruz / Aug 13, 2019

News, American News, Culture, Politics & Policy

Petition for Joe Rogan to host the Presidential Debates gains thousands of signatures

Rogan has already had Democratic candidates Andrew Yang, Tulsi Gabbard, and Bernie Sanders on the platform, as well as 2016 Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson.

Roberto Wakerell-Cruz / Aug 12, 2019

Opinion, Culture

Social justice caught up to Sarah Silverman

Sarah Silverman has finally been cancelled (well, sort of). One of the riskiest and funniest comedians of the 90s and 2000s had recently pivoted to become a woke scold in a desperate attempt to save her career.

Libby Emmons and Barrett Wilson / Aug 12, 2019

Opinion, Culture

Taylor Swift was never really cancelled, but she likes to pretend she was

Taylor Swift was never really cancelled. Keeping your agent and your record deal and your fan base isn’t what cancellation looks like.

Libby Emmons / Aug 12, 2019

Opinion, Culture, Politics & Policy

Jeffrey Epstein’s death is yet another reason nobody trusts the establishment

Epstein had supposedly been taken off suicide watch not long before “killing himself,” and now the NY Post is reporting that there’s no video of his death

Spencer Fernando / Aug 12, 2019

Canadian News, Culture

Justin Trudeau went for a walk in Montreal and nobody cared

This Saturday, our Prime Minister decided to stroll down Montreal’s St. Denis street in broad daylight in what appears to be an attempt to garner some good, unrehearsed photo-ops with every day Canadians.

Roberto Wakerell-Cruz / Aug 10, 2019

Opinion, Culture

Stop apologizing for your privilege—it’s pathetic

Confessing privilege may be all the rage, and it may make rich white people feel better about living, but it doesn’t solve anything.

Libby Emmons / Aug 9, 2019

Opinion, Culture

Quillette is a major publication now—deal with it

The fact of the matter is that all major publications have retractions, and Quillette is a major publication now. The detractors and trolls are just going to have to suck it up and learn to live with it.

Libby Emmons and Barrett Wilson / Aug 9, 2019

Opinion, Culture

Who is the real Michael Coren?

Coren is an extremely intelligent guy, and in his former persona was, when I engaged with him in TV and radio interviews, a funny, quick-witted and provocative interlocutor

Barbara Kay / Aug 7, 2019

Opinion, Culture

Prince Harry goes woke in Vogue

Harry’s statement is part of a wider sentiment that claims humans are a cancer on the planet. This anti-humanism is exemplified by the “BirthStrikers”

Kathrine Jebsen Moore / Aug 7, 2019

Opinion, Culture

Video games and music are not to blame for mass violence

With Trump and Biden blaming video games, and progressives and Christians blaming each other, we are at great risk of a major moral panic happening again.

Libby Emmons and Barrett Wilson / Aug 7, 2019

Opinion, News, American News, Culture

The self-obsessed ex-girlfriend of the Dayton shooter speaks out

In a chilling 2000 word post on Medium, Johnson outlines the short but eventful half-year spent with the Dayton shooter.

Roberto Wakerell-Cruz / Aug 6, 2019

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