Morgan stands out at nearly 6’ tall and physically different than her teammates. The BBC recounts a time that she “folded an opponent ‘like a deckchair’”
If the gay rights movement taught us anything, it’s that love is love. We need to get down with that for straight people too.
Right on cue, the Libs unearthed a 2005 video of Andrew Scheer explaining to the House of Commons why he was personally opposed to the legalization of gay marriage.
If prospective moms and dads decline to be moms and dads, how will their ideas about liberty, freedom, and individual rights be passed on?
“This is how things should work in a free society: your right to express yourself does not include a right to have other people agree with your beliefs. “
It focuses on one guy that most men can relate to, and admire. And what a guy Ben is! On a scale of one to ten, Ben’s male positivity hits eleven!
We are witnessing Dr. Jordan Peterson’s warning about compelled speech become a reality in the very dangerous case of Jessica Yaniv.
What is worrying is the left’s seamless merging with the very things they purport to fight against. In their fight to stomp out oppression, they themselves have become the oppressor
Mothers have a history of teaming up, sending messages along that umbilical cord stretched out through the ages. Let’s never give that up.
Emerging social media platform Minds has received threats of violence in advance of its upcoming conference. “It will happen no matter what,” Tim Pool says.
Popular YouTuber Blaire White has produced audio evidence that Jessica Yaniv has doxxed her. Yaniv has also admitted to preying on young girls.
Donning what I had hoped would allow me to blend seamlessly into the crowd, I prepared for a day of marching amongst Portland’s Antifa activists.
Violence has broken out on the streets of Portland this afternoon as Antifa and right-wing groups came face-to-face, with Antifa assaulting numerous people.The Proud Boys and Antifa held simultaneous demonstrations in Portland’s downtown.
Owners and general managers assessed that signing Kaepernick wasn’t worth the risk. Kaepernick’s resume, while decent enough for a young career, wasn’t worth the trouble of signing him to a team. But this in and of itself has caused the NFL to go through some very notable woes.
Technology is here to stay, but it’s clear that we are losing important elements in sports as we turn more and more away from its human roots.