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Dylan Gibbons

At The Post Millennial we strive to deliver the news to you as it unfolds ensuring that you never fall behind on the current or trending news.

B.C. RCMP investigate reports of multiple campus druggings at fraternities

“The information shared online is being taken very seriously and will be fully investigated,” UBC vice-president of students Ainsley Carry said in a statement.

Dylan Gibbons / Oct 2, 2019

Politics & Policy

Conservative Party promises to stop the flow of raw sewage into waterways

On Wednesday, October 2, Conservatives pledged that they will work with provinces and municipalities to stop the flow and dumping of raw sewage in water ways.

Dylan Gibbons / Oct 2, 2019

Canadian News, Politics & Policy

Liberal defence minister criticized for attending event celebrating Chinese Communist Party

Canadian Defence Minister Harjit Sajjan has drawn large criticism over his attendance at a gala event in Vancouver’s Chinatown that celebrated the 70th anniversary of the Chinese Communist Party’s rule.

Dylan Gibbons / Oct 1, 2019

Canadian News, Politics & Policy

Conservatives propose 25 percent slash to foreign aid spending

Conservatives saying those who would be cut from the list of countries Canada aids would be “middle- and upper-income countries as well as hostile regimes.” Those who fall into this category have a Human Development Index above 0.6, including Argentina, China, and Barbados.

Dylan Gibbons / Oct 1, 2019

Six men shot during bloody week in Vancouver

Vancouver has seen a major surge in gun crime over the last week, with six men being shot in five separate incidents.

Dylan Gibbons / Sep 30, 2019

Canadian News, Politics & Policy

Liberal candidate suggests carbon pricing may need to rise to meet goals

Environmentalist and Liberal Party candidate won’t rule out whether party would hike carbon prices even further.

Dylan Gibbons / Sep 30, 2019

Canadian News, Politics & Policy

Andrew Scheer accused of lying about being an insurance broker

Conservative Party Leader has come under fire for allegedly lying about his credentials, particularly his claim that he worked as an insurance broker before becoming an MP.

Dylan Gibbons / Sep 30, 2019

Snowfall continues in Alberta and Saskatchewan after record-breaking weekend

Multiple roads are still closed, and collisions are ongoing. The Weather Network along with other experts are telling drivers to expect winter conditions for the remainder of the day and to drive safe.

Dylan Gibbons / Sep 30, 2019

Canadian News, Technology, Politics & Policy

Green Party proposes “robot tax” to address automation and subsequent job loss

With a mass AI replacement looming on the horizon, the Green Party and its leader have proposed a “robot tax” to help address worker concerns should they be replaced by automated robots.

Dylan Gibbons / Sep 30, 2019

Politics & Policy

Over 50,000 Ontario education support staff go on “work-to-rule strike”

On Sunday evening, after days of last-minute contract negotiations between the Ontario government and CUPE (The Canadian Union of Public Employees), support staff in the education sector have begun their work-to-rule strike.

Dylan Gibbons / Sep 29, 2019

Collisions mount as snowstorm descends on Alberta

Weather warnings are still in place as snowplows and emergency crews try to handle the sudden and intense snowstorm underway in Alberta.

Dylan Gibbons / Sep 28, 2019

International News

Five hundred scientists send letter to UN saying “There is no climate crisis”

The letter was sent on September 23 to address the growing alarmist stance on environmental issues, specifically that which is espoused by Greta Thunberg.

Dylan Gibbons / Sep 28, 2019

Notorious Incel van killer speaks

“As soon as [the light] turned green, I started going… I allow the van to collide with them… Some people get knocked down on the way. Some people roll over the top of the van.”

Dylan Gibbons / Sep 28, 2019

Canadian News

McMaster Student Union bans Chinese club over fears of being a China government proxy

The CSSA, which has coordinated closely with Chinese diplomatic officials, has tried to obscure their connections to the Chinese government while simultaneously surveilling and intimidating students on campus who speak out against the Chinese government

Dylan Gibbons / Sep 27, 2019

Canadian News, Politics & Policy

Liberal MP seen with radical activist once again despite past apology

A new photo shows the two at a El-Maoued’s house having a friendly get together with other associates.

Dylan Gibbons / Sep 27, 2019

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